Best switcharoo of all time!

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That’s because I post basic facts and not conspiracies. Actual information doesn’t need much explanation
Has nothing to do with conspiracies. You don't post facts, you post your opinions attempting to pass them off as facts.

A large portion of your facts start off with "I feel", "I think", or "I believe". Or the negative if you are attempting to refute someone's statement; "I don't feel" or "I don't think". It may look like an insignificant filler, but has meaning behind it. It shows you are making a statement based on your personal perception or evaluation of the subject rather than on objective facts. You're not saying that something IS fact, only that it's your personal opinion it's true. It's also a subtle way to present your opinion as facts.

The other part that goes along with this I've seen you do several times. When someone presents to you irrefutable evidence contrary to your opinion of the truth, you cop out with "I just don't see it" or something to that effect. Not only does this deny the evidence presented, it also reinforces you're stating something based on personal opinion rather than objective fact.

I know I'm ragging on you. If you are going to continually debate a subject then argue the actual facts. If you want to argue your opinion and state the things that gave you said opinion, that more than fine too. But at least have the decency to not present your opinion as objective facts.
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Has nothing to do with conspiracies. You don't post facts, you post your opinions attempting to pass them off as facts.

A large portion of your facts start off with "I feel", "I think", or "I believe". Or the negative if you are attempting to refute someone's statement; "I don't feel" or "I don't think". It may look like an insignificant filler, but has meaning behind it. It shows you are making a statement based on your personal perception or evaluation of the subject rather than on objective facts. You're not saying that something IS fact, only that it's your personal opinion it's true. It's also a subtle way to present your opinion as facts.

The other part that goes along with this I've seen you do several times. When someone presents to you irrefutable evidence contrary to your opinion of the truth, you cop out with "I just don't see it" or something to that effect. Not only does this deny the evidence presented, it also reinforces you're stating something based on personal opinion rather than objective fact.

I know I'm ragging on you. If you are going to continually debate a subject then argue the actual facts. If you want to argue your opinion and state the things that gave you said opinion, that more than fine too. But at least have the decency to not present your opinion as objective facts.

Please let me know what “irrefutable evidence” you think people have presented to me.
Sure. I chose the team of things that have actually happened
That's really what you pulled from that.... :rolleyes:

I need to know what you think “irrefutable” means. You can’t tell me I misuse facts when you can’t even show me an example of one.
You think I’ve done it enough times to make a point of it, so choosing just one should be easy for ya
I need to know what you think “irrefutable” means. You can’t tell me I misuse facts when you can’t even show me an example of one.
You think I’ve done it enough times to make a point of it, so choosing just one should be easy for ya
Actually there was an even bigger potential discovery on Mars since the Sulphur, but the pictures aren’t yellow and shiny so the OTC wouldn’t pay attention to them
I need to know what you think “irrefutable” means. You can’t tell me I misuse facts when you can’t even show me an example of one.
You think I’ve done it enough times to make a point of it, so choosing just one should be easy for ya
#1 You're deflecting.
#2 Irrefutable - adjective. impossible to deny or disprove; incontrovertible.
#3 Go back and read that thread on transvestite story time for an example of how you present your opinion as fact then copped out with an I just don't see it. When you comeback with your rebuttal to the contrary you'll have proved my point.
#1 You're deflecting.
#2 Irrefutable - adjective. impossible to deny or disprove; incontrovertible.
#3 Go back and read that thread on transvestite story time for an example of how you present your opinion as fact then copped out with an I just don't see it. When you comeback with your rebuttal to the contrary you'll have proved my point.

Lol it’s not deflection, it’s just asking you to communicate clearly.

What about drag story hour do you think I was presenting as fact and not opinion?

That’s the shit I’m talking about.

But ya see, that’s how facts work. It’s only a potential discovery until they find a way to get the samples back to earth to be properly sampled over and over again by different people before they say anything is for sure.

That’s how science becomes facts
Lol it’s not deflection, it’s just asking you to communicate clearly.

What about drag story hour do you think I was presenting as fact and not opinion?

Deflection - a defense mechanism where someone avoids criticism by shifting focus on someone or something else.
Exactly what you did by trying to shift the focus from you presenting opinions as facts to what is the definition of irrefutable.

As I predicted you proved my point. I entertained your request and presented an example for everyone to go back to and see. Just because you can't recognize it doesn't mean it's not there. Rebut if you wish to dig that hole a little deeper, but I've made my point and don't need to respond to you any further.
Deflection - a defense mechanism where someone avoids criticism by shifting focus on someone or something else.
Exactly what you did by trying to shift the focus from you presenting opinions as facts to what is the definition of irrefutable.

As I predicted you proved my point. I entertained your request and presented an example for everyone to go back to and see. Just because you can't recognize it doesn't mean it's not there. Rebut if you wish to dig that hole a little deeper, but I've made my point and don't need to respond to you any further.

All I am asking is for an example of when I was presenting an opinion as fact. You said I do it all the time, so let me know some of them.
I can think of a lot of opinions I shared on the drag queen topic, but I’m not sure about facts. I do remember saying that as far as I know none of them have been mandatory. No one has shown that to be inaccurate yet.

It’s not deflection to ask for clarification. It’s just communication. Maybe that’s why you think I state facts so much, because i actually state ideas clearly. Thats what people do when they give a shit about the information they are passing on
Ok I see the confusion, me asking you what you thought irrefutable means was very poorly phrased. My intention was to ask you what do you think I’ve said to be fact was irrefutable, but I left that part out. But also what irrefutable means because that does show what you think facts mean
My bad.
Guess I’ll get an answer later.

Meanwhile I came across this in my photos from 2019

It's funny that Doctors are always practicing and Engineers are always developing, but normies without education or experience have all of the facts.