Kinda surprised more democrats aren't voting Kennedy

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Saw him at like 5 percent which is a good start. I don't really agree with a lot of it but I listened to him talk about his platform and he did mention ending foreign wars and uniting people and restoring the middle class. I guess if anything he has that uniting Kennedy mindset. I suppose it won't gain traction since basically a vote for him instead of Harris is kinda like voting for Trump. Everyone is so galvanized into camps now and tries to cancel everyone opposed to them over anything. You love cops I hate you you hate cops I love you you love cops i love you you don't hate cops i hate you too. That kind of crap.
Batshit crazy conspiracy-tards are from the right, not left.
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Sorry dude.

Batshit crazy conspiracy-tards are from the right, not left.
Just the way it is.
Eh he's all environmental guy so I'm not sure he qualifies as right wing no biggie I just wanted to hear some opinions from guys on the opposite side not so much pass value judgments on who someone votes for. Thanks for the response.
Eh he's all environmental guy so I'm not sure he qualifies as right wing no biggie I just wanted to hear some opinions from guys on the opposite side not so much pass value judgments on who someone votes for. Thanks for the response.
He’s not, but remember, to them even lefties who refuse to toe the party line are right wing.

Don’t want your daughter in a bathroom with a dude, you must be a righty.

Don’t want the cops, military and government elite to be the only ones with arms, must be a righty.

Don’t want the government to force you to take an experimental vaccine, must be a righty.
He’s not, but remember, to them even lefties who refuse to toe the party line are right wing.

Don’t want your daughter in a bathroom with a dude, you must be a righty.

Don’t want the cops, military and government elite to be the only ones with arms, must be a righty.

Don’t want the government to force you to take an experimental vaccine, must be a righty.
The problem is deeper than a candidate or political platform. People actually believe this.
He’s not, but remember, to them even lefties who refuse to toe the party line are right wing.

Don’t want your daughter in a bathroom with a dude, you must be a righty.

Don’t want the cops, military and government elite to be the only ones with arms, must be a righty.

Don’t want the government to force you to take an experimental vaccine, must be a righty.
Seems like only hard left authoritarians have legitimacy in the democrat party these days. Reminds me of northern MN. If the whole country is gonna become an armpit like that maybe I should find someplace else to go.
I don’t know a lot about the dude, but from what I’ve heard he has a lot of strong, controversial views on health and medicine and as far as I know, he is not a medical professional.

I am a little more familiar with him as a lawyer, and as someone who lives within the path of destruction that GE has caused, I appreciate some of the work he’s done.

However, unless he could convince me that he would use this platform to continue his environmental activism and not to perpetuate his “conspiracies”, then it will be a hard no from me.
Politicians never keep promises but he does seem to be a genuine greeny.

It’s a nice thought, but I don’t think he would run it as one of his priorities. Too many people get butthurt when you talk about the environment