Kinda surprised more democrats aren't voting Kennedy

Good example
It was one of the shrewdest and most effective dismantling of grassroots advocacy ever executed. Now all these people are doing the Rockefellers bidding. The left, believe it or not, used to be anti big-industry, including big oil (big pharma too for that matter) and anti-war.
It was one of the shrewdest and most effective dismantling of grassroots advocacy ever executed. Now all these people are doing the Rockefellers bidding. The left, believe it or not, used to be anti big-industry, including big oil (big pharma too for that matter) and anti-war.
So you agree talking about the environment brings out the butthurt in a lot of people?
I agree. No one gives a fuck about that giant trash island floating around the Atlantic. Or the sea lions killed in drag nets.
Then why do you say the lefties are shoving the earth boiling and sea turtles down everyone’s throat? How can I be both following the mainstream narrative and also be following something no one talks about anymore? Lol
Analysis: Xi and Putin to Meet as ...

kameltoe's next threesome?
Then why do you say the lefties are shoving the earth boiling and sea turtles down everyone’s throat? How can I be both following the mainstream narrative and also be following something no one talks about anymore? Lol
When did I say you said anything about sea turtles ?

You been doin' PCP with Dan ? The other Dan.
I think he'd have a better chance if you could stand him speak for more than 30 seconds. I know his voice is from neurological issues, but man... It's almost as annoying as Kamala' cackling.
Kennedy has only recently got some air time, don’t know enough about him to make a judgement yet but he seems to be the middle ground between both parties. That may be attractive to a lot of voters.