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Dale B
Dale B
Well-known member
Well, we buried my Dad the day before yesterday. We had found out he had Stage 4 lung cancer about a month and a half ago. He had taken his first round of chemotherapy on the 1st of July, but his kidneys gave out 2 days before his next treatment on the 22nd.

Anyway, I guess I'm the most levelheaded one in the family. Of course, my mom is going to be emotional. I didn't expect the same out of my oldest brother. They pretty much got butt hurt over every little thing that happened and even stirred more drama along the way with family. I'm trying to patch up all of that behind the scenes.

All I'm saying is this: Sure, you can grieve, but don't lash out at the ones that love you in these times. Don't make petty decisions. Family is family at the end of the day.
I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your dad Dale. And sorry to hear your family is making waves when things are difficult enough already. They are lucky to have you to take care of business. Be blessed brother.
I am sorry Dale. My thoughts are with you and your family, I hope everyone can find peace.
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My condolences to you and your family, man. May your dad rest in peace.
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Gee, sorry to hear this Dale.

Losing him is bad-enough, but the bullshit family politics? I mean, who needs that... and in addition to everything else. :no:
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Very VERY sorry to read this. Lost my dad in January after a very short battle with Stage IV Esophageal cancer. He was 93 and had a great life. Was independent and comfortable til the last 10-12 days. Mom is really struggling with what each day feels like without her constant companion of 59+ years. And you are SO right - the ‘anticipation’ of losing a family member is so different than the actual event. And everyone deals with it differently. You never really know your immediate family until something like this brings all the personality traits to the surface. Hang in there. Easier said than done - do the very best you can not let others’ drama become your drama.
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My sympathy Dale, I can relate;
Dad had a massive stroke, never recovered but was in a vegitive state for 15 days (living will, lifesaving measures withheld) during which time my large family discussed plans and taking care of mom. After the burial, things went to hell with arguments and online sniping and some family members I am just now talking with again. When the subject comes up, I just say “that brought out the worst in some of us”…rehashing does no good and I refuse to go there.