It's a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll

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@Monkey Man

"Yeah, what?!" A shrill voice on the other end of the line opens. "Hello, I was calling ab..." "I know that you're calling, I just answered the phone" the voice interrupts. "What is it that you want?" They ask you. "Get to the point"

"Well, it's about the band audition and I..." interrupted, again. "Yeah, when can you be here? You any good? You're not one of those vegetarians, are you?" The voice grills you.
"No I..." interrupted, yet again. "No, you're not any good or no you're not a vegetarian?"

"Uh..." you barely muster out. "Uhhhhh, Duhhhhh??? why are you wasting my time? Auditions are in an hour or tomorrow night at 7:06. 667 Road Lane Ave. You're expected to play an original." The phone clicks.

"Fuck" using whats left of your day's motivation. You head back to the Siren's house for some mental preparations. "How in the hell I am I going to be ready that soon? There's bound to be competition" You think.

On your way back you spot what appears to be a headstock sticking out of a trash can off the sidewalk. You know what that is now. You saw one on the internet. You may or may not even own one. You're a level above what you were just a week ago. Yet, you have no fucking clue what you're getting yourself into.

Tossing aside some debris you start to pull a guitar away from the bin. "Score!" The headstock reads Getsome. You've heard of these. This is an American guitar. Beat, thrashed, and has seen better days, it appears.

You arrive at the Siren's home. She is open to allowing you to jam in hopes that you can get back on your feet with a new career. You now have an instrument or two. Though you have no idea where to start with an original, you play some tabs backwards while rearranging a few parts that you find on the internet. You skip a few areas. Most areas, actually. Half a hour goes by. Your fingers already hurt. Not long to decide. "Leave now and make a fool of yourself?" You think. "Tomorrow and gamble that they'll already have selected another by then?" You worry.

If you're lost you can go here
If you're still lost, sorry.

As I burn to a crisp in the library bathroom I spot the last pages of the manuscript burn to cinder. Little did I realize it was a magical tab book; riffs of the Guitar Gods. In my last breath I inhale the ashes of the tab book and it bestows me with the knowledge of the Guitar Gods of legends past. It gives me the will to live! With my remaining life force I muster enough strength to walk my charred body down the street.

I overhear someone's conversation about an audition. I think, "this is my last chance to become a rock legend. I must get to that audition." But wait I don't have a guitar. Struggling to stand I spot something sticking out of a trash can. It's a headstock that says Overlord of Metal. This is a sign, it's my chance.

I grab the guitar and painfully make my way to the address I overheard. I arrive several hours before the auditions start but decided to enter anyway. I don't know how much longer my body can hold out. I pound on the door until someone answers. A guy answers, looks me up and down, turns to his friends and asks "who invited Anakin Skywalker?" I groan and hold up my guitar.

A light shines from the heavens upon me. By some miracle the tone of tones manifests itself around me and I begin to shred. It must be those tubes I found in the graveyard! All of the band members are astonished at what they are hearing. This is the one they say. I continue to shred. My fingers move so fast the fretboard ignites and entire guitar catches fire. I know I should stop before I'm once again engulfed in flames, but I can't. I continue to shred the most glorious hard core metal solo ever heard. Sparks from the guitar set my already charred body ablaze again. This time the flames burn white hot like the fire from the sun, but I feel no pain. The guitar along with my body starts turning to ash. The last remnants of my ashes fade into the wind and the music fades. Little did I know one of the band members recorded my epic performance and uploaded it to Rock-Tube for all to see. I have made my mark on the world and have become a legend. I am now at peace.
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