What has Camela done in 4 years? Nothing. What has Biden done in 4 years other than steal an election? Nothing again except wasting millions of taxpayer dollars suing Trump and wrecking the energy and security systems Trump had set up. Trump knows how to run a business and the country IS a business, but now is so wrecked from these liberal politicians padding their pockets... so he calls them out and that's why they hate him. Really, it's not even about money any longer, these Godless liberal are so stinking rich, it's all about controlling people now. They want to play KING, wipe out the middle class and the rest of us will be the Pheasants.
The media is the real problem, people are so stupid, they believe everything they fab up. The liberals bought and paid for them, so all you're going to hear is Trump bashing from all angles, but that's what they are paid to do. People are so lazy, they take headline news as fact and don't look beyond that. And look at you! You haven't even read this far!
Do you think any other nation takes us seriously with Biden bumbling around as President?? Camela is even worse. We are toast if the dems steal 4 more years, stick a fork in it because we're done.