Pickups for my Caparison?

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the rossness

the rossness

Well-known member
A couple years ago, I bought a Caparison Dillinger Prominence HSS. Caparison had always been a bucket-list guitar and I got it on a whim. Great playing guitar, but I’ve never been in love with the tone. I believe the stock pickups are made by Schaller and they’re a bit sterile for me. I’d like to swap them out for something different and see if I like the sound better. As far as tone goes, In the bridge I’d like something in the Scorpions or AC/ DC territory, with a little tele jangle in split coil mode. For the neck and middle I’m looking for more of an Eric Johnson kind of tone.

As for bridge pickups, the SD Black Winter, Dimarzio Gravity Storm and SD Psyclone hot are on my radar. As for the neck and middle, I’m open to suggestions.

What pickups would fit the bill? Thanks in advance~
I only have experience with the GS but for Scorpions and AC/DC in a superstrat I think it's too dark. Not enough bite for those tones. Norton would be my suggestion--just put one in a partscaster a few months ago and love it.
Update- the Dimarzio Dominium is going into the bridge. And my old faithful, the Area 67’ is going into the neck. What’s the best middle pickup to use? True Velvet? Duckbucker? Something else???
rossness! Whazzzzuuuuuuup

I don't have any of those pickups but curious to see where this goes. I would consider BareKnuckle. Webmail them first to to tell them your guitar/woods/preferences/etc and they'll recommend a few options.