Suhr 4x12 Cabs

I had a Suhr 4x12 w/ Greenbacks a few years ago. It sounded great and was built very well. I'm considering the same cab to go with my SL67 MK II. Sweetwater carries Suhr gear now.
I had a Suhr 4x12 w/ Greenbacks a few years ago. It sounded great and was built very well. I'm considering the same cab to go with my SL67 MK II. Sweetwater carries Suhr gear now.
There's one for sale locally that has greenbacks on the top and V30's on the bottom. I've been looking for an older Marshall but it kinda caught my eye.
I have a Suhr 4x12 with 25w greenbacks in it. I run my Bogner “Helios” 100 through it. Absolute magic.
I haven't tried the Suhr ones, but I have a CAA 4x12 loaded with v30/greenbacks. That thing rocks.
I'd try and get it a little cheaper. A new one is 1299.
Seller says they paid 1499 shipped from Suhr and the cover was 150 so that's the best they'll do, it's less than a year old. But yeah I saw you can get one for 1299 from Sweetwater.