Springfield Ohio... population 58,082 conquered by over 20,000 recent Hatian illegal migrants flown in with your tax dollars

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we'll need a local eyewitness to confirm. not @theclev since he hasn't seen any Haitians there; it's highly unlikely he'd notice this billboard.


better be sure to have uninsured motorist coverage in Springfield, OH



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8-year olds driving in Cleveland, OH.

Safer than Haitians driving in Springfield, OH?

It’s now eye-opening the differences between Ohio and the neighboring state (mine) of Indiana and the reason for the differences is politics. Indiana has been staunchly Republican for as long as I can remember except the Democrat sanctuaries of the few large cities. There will never be an immigrant crisis here, any attempt to establish a “safe haven” for a large group of undocumented illegal invaders would be met with sheer force. If not by law enforcement it would be armed citizens.
So much difference to be in such close proximity (Ohio and Indiana) and share few of the problems…and it’s all due to republican leadership. Taxes are high here but those taxes are working for me and others like me, not for professional freeloaders.
Yes, a great big one is, and has been perpetrated over the past 20-30 years, but no one is or will be charged for it.
Some of the “help” programs, funded by our tax dollars, are not even known to us until there is a danger of the money faucet being turned off. The resulting outcry turns the lightbulb on and we realize “that’s where my taxes are going!?”
It’s now eye-opening the differences between Ohio and the neighboring state (mine) of Indiana and the reason for the differences is politics. Indiana has been staunchly Republican for as long as I can remember except the Democrat sanctuaries of the few large cities. There will never be an immigrant crisis here, any attempt to establish a “safe haven” for a large group of undocumented illegal invaders would be met with sheer force. If not by law enforcement it would be armed citizens.
So much difference to be in such close proximity (Ohio and Indiana) and share few of the problems…and it’s all due to republican leadership. Taxes are high here but those taxes are working for me and others like me, not for professional freeloaders.
Don’t be so sure man. I would have thought my state would have never allowed it, but they have flooded a small town north of me with Haitians. I plan to ride up this weekend and have a look around. I want to know who is renting homes to them. That seems like a logical place to start following the money trail
8-year olds driving in Cleveland, OH.

Safer than Haitians driving in Springfield, OH?

That is funny as shit! “Y’all sleep in if you want, I got places to go and shit to do! You know how I am before my Frappacino!”
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