USA Go Home, Even Poland Hates Us Now

You don’t see welfare benefits as an opportunity?
I see them as a handout that anyone in difficult circumstances would be attracted to. And that’s all well and good but it would seem we have enough people in need who are already US citizens.
I see them as a handout that anyone in difficult circumstances would be attracted to. And that’s all well and good but it would seem we have enough people in need who are already US citizens.

Careful now, our tax dollars belong to the entire third world - unless you're some kind of RACIST!!!

How dare you suggest we use our social safety nets on people who actually live in america legally
I see them as a handout that anyone in difficult circumstances would be attracted to. And that’s all well and good but it would seem we have enough people in need who are already US citizens.

i was talking about people that come here from other countries. They come for the opportunity.
Could you imagine having it so bad you would uproot your family, move them to a country that you don’t speak the language in hopes for a handout?
My original statement was that the world mocks our leaders, but many are still envious of our country. “Having it bad” here is still better than what their own country has to offer.
I remember I used to work for a pretty large landscape outfit that brought in a ton of H2B workers every year from Mexico. One of the guys was pumped to get his first paycheck so he could send it home and buy shoes for the people in his village that didn’t have them.
Others were scared to send more than a little home at a time because the police would steal it from their families at gunpoint if they knew they had a large amount.

We have it good here and people want that. I agree people here need help too, but I wasnt talking about that. We were talking about how other countries view us
Could you imagine having it so bad you would uproot your family, move them to a country that you don’t speak the language in hopes for a handout? My original statement was that the world mocks our leaders, but many are still envious of our country.
I’m not unsympathetic, but I do believe it happens regularly. I don’t know if our country is viewed with envy at this point. Certainly circumstances here are better than much of the world. But I don’t think the US is a unique beacon of light and hope that it once might have been.
I see them as a handout that anyone in difficult circumstances would be attracted to. And that’s all well and good but it would seem we have enough people in need who are already US citizens.
If you have 2 arms and 2 legs that work, there is no such thing as difficult circumstances.
If you have 2 arms and 2 legs that work, there is no such thing as difficult circumstances.
Most the planet faces difficult circumstances, even the very wealthy cannot always get their minds right. Only the Lord will give you any semblance of inner peace yet more and more people have abandoned the faith.
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There needs to be a radical change in the 2 party system.
Its no longer working or in the USAs best interest anymore

Nothing but bickering, spiting and personal agendas.

Nothing gets done that's worthwhile

I don't have the answer but i would vote for a sucession.

Let us go our own ways
Yeah but all us assholes seem to keep electing them. Or allowing them.
Don't blame me, I don't vote. I refuse to contribute to corruption. Then I get assholes telling me it's my fault because I don't vote. I didn't contribute to the corruption, so how is it my fault?

And the other guy is correct. Don't judge a country by the psychopaths that run it.
We need a team of wise elders, with several psychedelic experiences under their belt running the country. Not diseased politician psychopaths.
Anybody that wants to be in a position of power like be the US president, has screws with in the first place. That should be the first red flag.
They are not "leaders" in any way shape or form. They are nothing but tools. We elect them to do our bidding.

There's that liberal mindset shining through.

But they do zero for the average citizen and only care about the corporations that control them. It's a farse. The president does not control the country, money does. Whoever has the money, controls the country. CASE CLOSED.

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Don't blame me, I don't vote. I refuse to contribute to corruption. Then I get assholes telling me it's my fault because I don't vote. I didn't contribute to the corruption, so how is it my fault?

And the other guy is correct. Don't judge a country by the psychopaths that run it.
We need a team of wise elders, with several psychedelic experiences under their belt running the country. Not diseased politician psychopaths.
Anybody that wants to be in a position of power like be the US president, has screws with in the first place. That should be the first red flag.
Every government in the history of the world relies on the participation or passive acceptance of the population they rule. There are too few of them in relation to the size of the population itself. So I think a population shares the blame. Not individually, but collectively.
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Don't blame me, I don't vote. I refuse to contribute to corruption. Then I get assholes telling me it's my fault because I don't vote. I didn't contribute to the corruption, so how is it my fault?

And the other guy is correct. Don't judge a country by the psychopaths that run it.
We need a team of wise elders, with several psychedelic experiences under their belt running the country. Not diseased politician psychopaths.
Anybody that wants to be in a position of power like be the US president, has screws with in the first place. That should be the first red flag.
You can say that but DT did stop Miley from going to war with Iran.
Every government in the history of the world relies on the participation or passive acceptance of the population they rule.
Once you understand this then you see why controlling information is so important to the ruling powers. Governments don’t control people by force but through psychological manipulation and brainwashing. When the establishment went after the J6 protesters so visibly and unfairly it was not really to punish those involved but to tell everyone else, “don’t you dare even think of it.”
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