Put dt in charge and everything becomes worthless.

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Floyd, have you tried video'ing yourself playing Van Halen riffs while barefoot ?

Based PLX noticing emerging markets
The system's primary goal is to protect itself. If you are a threat to that system, both sides are coming at ya. Along with their media lapdogs.

Regulations, particularly lead abatement, drove my costs way up, while simultaneously I was being dramatically undercut by companies who are employing, eh, cheap, imported labor. They basically managed to take a skilled trade and turn it into menial labor.


The media mainstream is owned by the ones protecting their interests.

Remember at one point these same people were telling you Trump would enslave the blacks and crucify gay people.... People don't vote with common sense. They vote out of ignorance and brainwashing bullshit now. Media is the source of all that.

CIA has employees at every major news outlet.

Look how quickly people stopped talking about the goverments coop to kill Trump... swept under the rug so quickly.

Now go look at Kennedy... he was trying to get rid of the corrupt federal reserve. They killed him.

Lincoln.... wanted to end slavery. Killed him.

EVERYONE needs to go listen to
Eisenhowers address to the people warning of what happens when power is given and offset in favor of the military industrial complex. And thats exactly what has happened.

It literally explains itself if you have half a working brain. My tolerance for these people has definitely reached its peak. At this point there's no excuse to be so absolutely fucking retarded.


The media mainstream is owned by the ones protecting their interests.

Remember at one point these same people were telling you Trump would enslave the blacks and crucify gay people.... People don't vote with common sense. They vote out of ignorance and brainwashing bullshit now. Media is the source of all that.

CIA has employees at every major news outlet.

Look how quickly people stopped talking about the goverments coop to kill Trump... swept under the rug so quickly.

Now go look at Kennedy... he was trying to get rid of the corrupt federal reserve. They killed him.

Lincoln.... wanted to end slavery. Killed him.

EVERYONE needs to go listen to
Eisenhowers address to the people warning of what happens when power is given and offset in favor of the military industrial complex. And thats exactly what has happened.

It literally explains itself if you have half a working brain. My tolerance for these people has definitely reached its peak. At this point there's no excuse to be so absolutely fucking retarded.

Fucking truth right there man.

The media mainstream is owned by the ones protecting their interests.

Remember at one point these same people were telling you Trump would enslave the blacks and crucify gay people.... People don't vote with common sense. They vote out of ignorance and brainwashing bullshit now. Media is the source of all that.

CIA has employees at every major news outlet.

Look how quickly people stopped talking about the goverments coop to kill Trump... swept under the rug so quickly.

Now go look at Kennedy... he was trying to get rid of the corrupt federal reserve. They killed him.

Lincoln.... wanted to end slavery. Killed him.

EVERYONE needs to go listen to
Eisenhowers address to the people warning of what happens when power is given and offset in favor of the military industrial complex. And thats exactly what has happened.

It literally explains itself if you have half a working brain. My tolerance for these people has definitely reached its peak. At this point there's no excuse to be so absolutely fucking retarded.


You can see where any dips in food for Obama was made up for 10-fold in fuel.

And the biden administration with Harris RAPED everything. They set the country back DECADES.


Now if people would just step back, and drop the bias for mean tweets. And whatever he did in his personal life with woman. (Like everyone else hasn't) and just consider, even if they haven't been somehow affected by this last 4 years, the numbers and the proof is there.

Common sense, without bias wouldn't allow you to put the same People back that has wrecked it so much economically the last 4 years. But they won't pull their faces back from social media, or news TV fat enough to see this for what it really is.

That is concerning in of itself. The lack of ability to actually just admit and accept, the blue side has done NOTHING for the country but worsen EVERYTHING for MOST people.

When you ask any biden Harris supporter what has improved they give you blank stares and can only say "well trump said this".... it always goes back to this area of blank ignorance. "Trump has felonies" which aren't even legit and never been charged to anyone before. While their side has crackheads and coke heads literally in the white house... someone explain how you can actually vote for blue with a straight face knowing this?

And the only violence that has happened has been FROM their side.

Sheer dillusion and refusal to drop the ego in favor of what's actually right. If anyone gives a shit about American small business. And the well being of the country they are without a doubt voting RED.

And it was DONE after the assassination attempt, so they pulled the wildcard play with Harris. Immigrants given housing and food. And hauled into red states to swing poles. Millions regretted their support of biden. Suddenly... it's a "close race" now? It's the same fuckin people!!! How is it close!!???

The corruption is staggering.
I know adults who have had to move back with their families because of housing and food costs alone. People can't seriously be voting for blue again after all that has been shown.

It's selfish and completely ignorant.
You can see where any dips in food for Obama was made up for 10-fold in fuel.

And the biden administration with Harris RAPED everything. They set the country back DECADES.

View attachment 345146

Now if people would just step back, and drop the bias for mean tweets. And whatever he did in his personal life with woman. (Like everyone else hasn't) and just consider, even if they haven't been somehow affected by this last 4 years, the numbers and the proof is there.

Common sense, without bias wouldn't allow you to put the same People back that has wrecked it so much economically the last 4 years. But they won't pull their faces back from social media, or news TV fat enough to see this for what it really is.

That is concerning in of itself. The lack of ability to actually just admit and accept, the blue side has done NOTHING for the country but worsen EVERYTHING for MOST people.

When you ask any biden Harris supporter what has improved they give you blank stares and can only say "well trump said this".... it always goes back to this area of blank ignorance. "Trump has felonies" which aren't even legit and never been charged to anyone before. While their side has crackheads and coke heads literally in the white house... someone explain how you can actually vote for blue with a straight face knowing this?

And the only violence that has happened has been FROM their side.

Sheer dillusion and refusal to drop the ego in favor of what's actually right. If anyone gives a shit about American small business. And the well being of the country they are without a doubt voting RED.

And it was DONE after the assassination attempt, so they pulled the wildcard play with Harris. Immigrants given housing and food. And hauled into red states to swing poles. Millions regretted their support of biden. Suddenly... it's a "close race" now? It's the same fuckin people!!! How is it close!!???

The corruption is staggering.
I know adults who have had to move back with their families because of housing and food costs alone. People can't seriously be voting for blue again after all that has been shown.

It's selfish and completely ignorant.
People as a collective are stupid. Think about this. We're only 2 generations removed from Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin. and 1 1/2 away from Pol Pot and less than 5 years ago half of the country was convinced cops were hunting young black men. These same people think it's a good idea for the government and it's agents to be the only ones with guns.
many things were worth a lot less under Trumps leadership. Gas, Groceries, your Hydrocephalus medication, etc. Don’t pretend like you understand the financial world, or the stock market ,Dan. Everyone here knows that you are an embecile. The fact that you don’t is what makes it fun. There was a time when you could have passed as a troll, but your support for a brain dead Asian whore for POTUS has removed any doubt that you are anything other than a full on mongoloid retard. I’m certain that you are a drunk as well. Even with 15-20 years sober, I can still spot the signs instantly, and you tick all of the boxes. You shouldn’t take that as us being kindred, because even at my worst, my drinking problem wasn’t compounded by low IQ, and mental retardation. Your problems won’t go away simply by giving up the sauce. Your only real hope is a full on head transplant. I know a guy when you are ready to take that step.
If he actually HAD money he wouldn't need to borrow it would he >
This is such a staggeringly ignorant comment from someone who clearly doesn’t understand finance.

Just when I think….”ole shar-vell Dan gets a bad rap. He’s just another misguided Liberal with a mental disorder.”

Then you say something shockingly ignorant from a place of perceived moral high ground and I realize you deserve the mocking you get here.