PSA - Home Page Incoming

  • Thread starter Thread starter Monkey Man
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Haven't heard back from him yet bro'.

You'd think it'd be an easy fix, but the complication I'm anticipating, if indeed there turns out to be one, might be that they've changed the URL the icon is linked to, hence why it suddenly works for me now, but for some unknown reason it doesn't navigate to the forum-list page for those (or some?) who're on mobiles.

So yeah, I anticipate being told first that it's already been done and therefore that I'll have to follow up on that.

I almost posted a "nothing yet" update for you yesterday but then figured I'd give you the credit that you know me well-enough by now to know that I'll follow through and in as timely a fashion as is possible with my level of permissions, which ain't enough to take care of this myself.

Let's hope there's an obvious, simple explanation for it is where I'm at right now. Sorry about the delay Brother M.
Not sure if related but something I just noticed. Sorry - if it has already been addressed. If I post a link to a Rig-Talk thread, it now shows the OP of that thread. Weird. Not complaining, but it is a little 'congested'.

For example, I just copy pasted the R-T URL for this and pasted:

Where before it would have just looked like this. Does that make sense?

Edit: Upon this Edit I noticed it is "Embedding" vs just pasting. I think.
No worries Brother M. :cheers2:

Turns out he'd "forgotten" about it, I'm guessing 'cause in his mind things had been fixed after having switched the destination to the forum list.

Luckily I called him yesterday just-in-case and viola... it turns out that the mobile version of RT uses a different logo and that one hadn't had its URL destination updated.

Thankfully it turned out to be something simple, the best-case scenario. :rock:
Not sure if related but something I just noticed. Sorry - if it has already been addressed. If I post a link to a Rig-Talk thread, it now shows the OP of that thread. Weird. Not complaining, but it is a little 'congested'.

For example, I just copy pasted the R-T URL for this and pasted:

Where before it would have just looked like this. Does that make sense?

Edit: Upon this Edit I noticed it is "Embedding" vs just pasting. I think.
Are you using the "Insert Link" feature Brother 3?

If I use it, I get this:
PSA - Home Page Incoming | Page 2

If you paste directly it automatically embeds with the BB code prefix "[EMBED content...]".

Think about it - it's the same as with YouTube URL pastes. Handy, but I don't know if the layout of the result can be pre-modified.
Not sure what Insert Link means. I'm on Windows/Chrome. I right click Copy / right click Paste. On everything.

No worries. Pretty far down the list of things for me to worry about :lol: just noticed a difference that is all.
Not sure what Insert Link means. I'm on Windows/Chrome. I right click Copy / right click Paste. On everything.
It's as I said:
If you paste "directly" (meaning directly into the posting window), it automatically embeds with the BB code prefix "[EMBED content...]". IOW, if you click the brackets (Toggle BB code) you'll see that what you paste automatically becomes enclosed by the appropriate prefix and suffix ([EMBED content...] etc.) for embedding. If you toggle the "Toggle BB code" parameter again you'll see how the paste will appear once submitted.

So, automatic embedding is the default behaviour.

For the link to appear as a simple link, as I suggested, you need to use the "Insert Link" feature. That's the icon that looks like 2 links in a chain. Two fields will appear in the drop-down: "URL" and "Text". Paste into the URL field and use the text one to rename it however you please.
It's as I said:
If you paste "directly" (meaning directly into the posting window), it automatically embeds with the BB code prefix "[EMBED content...]". IOW, if you click the brackets (Toggle BB code) you'll see that what you paste automatically becomes enclosed by the appropriate prefix and suffix ([EMBED content...] etc.) for embedding. If you toggle the "Toggle BB code" parameter again you'll see how the paste will appear once submitted.

So, automatic embedding is the default behaviour.

For the link to appear as a simple link, as I suggested, you need to use the "Insert Link" feature. That's the icon that looks like 2 links in a chain. Two fields will appear in the drop-down: "URL" and "Text". Paste into the URL field and use the text one to rename it however you please.
I respectfully disagree bro. I understand all of forum code you are talking about above. What I'm saying my friend is that it is different than the last 14 years. Copy/Paste. Look at the OP of my Van Halen thread. In the past, it would only provide the underlined link if I "Paste". Now it shows the OP as if I "Replied" to it.

Again - not a big concern of mine. Just an observation from my browsing exerience. :dunno:

But you know what? one gives a fuck so we can move on :cheers:
What's to disagree with?

I simply described the two approach options. The fact that pastes directly into the posting window automatically embed now is par-for-the-course these days in forums. It's just a technological-progress thing I s'pose. :dunno:
it's all good man. Maybe it is not a disagreement so much as me just pointing out that it was new to me. I had never seen that before. Maybe it is the new modern forum way, I just think it is annoying. Again, not your fault. My issue is not with you. Cheers.

Practice for me:

I right clicked on post "#30" and used "copy link address". Then I come to a reply window and right click paste.
I right clicked on post "#30" and used "copy link address". Then I come to a reply window and right click paste.
.... and if you click the link symbol then the pop-up URL field and paste to it instead of the posting window it's only 1 extra click (2 instead of 1), with the bonus that you can more-easily rename the link too.

I know it's 1 extra click but the renaming thing is much easier this way by a mile.

Just tryin' to help you feel better about the "new way" bro'. I know how it goes; I'm actually fed-up with current tech at this point. What was promised to be a super-convenient timesaver back in the day has turned out IMHO to become a massive time-and-energy suck with minimal tangible benefits for most everyday-living experiences considering the enormous amount of effort invested.
Then being able to modify the link name more quickly is an added benefit. Probably why in the past I never bothered because it was too much work.

When I do the Toggle feature though, there is no choice or difference. So if I were building a "Van Halen" type thread or "Epic Pics-clips-riffs" thead or whatever, the post would be highly congested as it stands to me right now. Are to differentiate a Link vs something maybe I wrote. Again, no worries. I'm probably missing something. I'm at my cabin right now anyway but maybe when I get home I will try to take some screenshot. If it is part of the new software update (and is the modern way to go) then it is what it is. All good brother.

Not a reply, just a copy/paste link to post #34, again, I don't see anything in the toggle option that allows otherwise.

Unless I go in and edit out the EMBED code itself which is cumbersome. :dunno: uuugh

But I CAN edit the post but I'm not good at it yet as you can see.... THIS___forum/threads/psa-home-page-incoming.317886/post-4142174
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Just a heads-up.

We'll finally have "our own" landing page. There'll be an assortment of "topics of interest" that'll link directly to threads in the forum.

Should come online in the next day or so.
I like it. Content seems to rotate well but have not spent a lot of time looking at it yet. Thanks :cheers:

AND...I've got a pic on there of my book I have not looked at yet :lol:
When I do the Toggle feature though, there is no choice or difference.
I pointed out the BB code toggle so you could see the evidence that it was auto-embedding it when pasting directly, so it was an illustrative mechanism only.

Again brother, try this. It's the chain-link icon, not the BB code toggle:
Click the link symbol then paste the URL into the 1st field in the pop-up, the URL field.
Name the link in the 2nd field, the name field below that one.

Should get something like this:

PSA - Home Page Incoming
Isn't that better overall?

I think so. If you like to name your links properly it's waaay-quicker.