wtf....... JAKE.

My guess is just doing his thing and someone wanted something. I said yesterday people will kill you for 20 bucks. I’m sure they didn’t know who it was. Just a person with a wallet, a watch, a coat…
My guess is just doing his thing and someone wanted something. I said yesterday people will kill you for 20 bucks. I’m sure they didn’t know who it was. Just a person with a wallet, a watch, a coat…
The law of the good Samaritan is dead, people are animals 😆
Good samaritans are gone. Try to be nice and you get shot too. When I was in working in Memphis, we would see people get beat, stabbed, shot all day long. And if you were in the way; you got it too.
As Ozzy once said "You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain".

And then Regardo "I have a hard time feeling sorry when a rich man gets it. I can't afford shit and all these people get to live their full live? Fuck em."

We live in a world where speaking truth and having compassion are frowned on. We even see it here on Rig Talk sometimes unfortunately
(Dad joke incoming....)

After Jake was shot, do you think his dog Barked At The Goon?
Wonder what kinda dog it was? Inquiring minds want to know. And also I hate this happened. Back in the day he was the man for awhile…..
nah, i'm not an online cunt like you ... a bullet right through your temple would do the internet a massive favour
I know you're just joking, but if you're serious, I suggest seeking some serious help. Otherwise, You might be one of those school shooter pedo types.

But I know deep down you're joking because one day you'll be a father and you'd hate for some random troll to say that kind of stuff to your kids. Also, know that most my comments are playful, not trolling, not serious. So bare that in mind.

Thanks! Have a blessed day! 😎
@sytharnia1560 Not cool brother.

Withdraw that please.

Find another way to say it if you must...
He doesn't scare me anymore than the one who threatened to take me to court over my silly playful comments but I would advise him to seek help before graduating to High School, before it's too late and he says something wrong to the wrong person at the wrong time and something bad happens to him or his family. People are too quick to say stupid shit without thinking. If a harmless comment upset him enough to say hate comments and wish death upon someone, I wonder what he's like in person 🤔