Well-known member
This might be redundant here, but I just posted this on TGP, and thought it might be a good resource on RT for anyone interested in the Friedman.
I grabbed a Plex about a month ago. I've had several 4-hole 50 watt amps: Germino Club 40 & LV55, Rockitt Retro 50, Vogel with choice mods, and have played through a couple of real deal metal panels at loud volumes. I've also had the Germino Masonette, another handwired, killer dual 6v6er, and the Marshall SV20...but they're a bit different. They were all great in their own way.
The Plex is fantastic. It has tight enough attack and gain for the hard rocking stuff, handy bright switches, a splendid master volume, and cleans up great. The ppimv still adds gain and gets brighter when you turn it down, but seems to retain the tone a bit better than the LarMar ppimv I've used in the past.
Here's the first clip I made after I got it.
This was straight in with an Anderson Icon. I was using a Suhr RL as a line out, into a looper and a delay out to the power amp of a PRS Archon 1x12. The clean sounds were at the same amp settings as the gain sounds, with the guitar volume rolled back. Sounds pretty great:
Here's a clip of me playing an EVH 78 Eruption guitar through a Mesa Cleo (Klone) set for slight bass cut and gain/volume boost into the Plex, Suhr RL line out into the EVH SDE3000 split out to 2 PRS Archon power amps for a WDW setup. Ratt, EVH, Alice In Chains and Tool, no problem:
Here's my buddy riffing on heavier sounds, using either a Gibson LP with JWP Godwoods or an Anderson Icon with a Lil Screamin Demon, thru either the Mesa Cleo or an OD808, into a Friedman 2x12 loaded with a V30/H75 mix. It does the mean stuff great with a boost:
And lastly, me comparing my 1984 4104 with 6550s (combo mid pot cap intact) to the Plex. What stands out to me about this clip is, the 4104 couldn't compete with the Plex at lower volumes. The 4104 sounded bland and lifeless in comparison. The ppimv of the Plex allowed much more gain and bite to come thru. I had to crank the master volume on the 4104 to get into the same realm. My solution to even the playing field, was to run them both thru a THD Hot Plate, so I could crank the 4104 for the same sound, without killing my ears. The revelation to me is, I want that Plex ppimv on my 4104. I want to juice up the phase inverter for more gain, and then bring the volume back down, without losing much of the tone. Another thing, the JCM800 with 6550s is a bit tighter and stuffier in feel, not as loose or raw, with a bigger low end and more high end presence:
In conclusion, the Plex is a killer take on the Plexi sound, with modern features (variac and and bright switches) that make it more versatile for different sounds, more useable with all kinds of dirt pedals, with the best ppimv that makes it compatible with situations that require lower volumes.
Disclaimer: I sold the Plex after the shootout with the 4104, thinking I'll add a ppimv to the Marshall, so I can get ballpark to the Plex. I'm never selling the 4104, but I definitely want to mod it to get it into the Plex range of sounds.
I happily recommend the Plex to anyone that wants to experience the best sounds a plexi type amp has to offer. It's fantastic. Friedman put out another superb amp with the Plex. Can't wait to see what else he does with the vintage line.
One thing I'll add here, that I didn't on TGP: I can pretty much nail the Plex sounds with the Ground Zero Friedman SS mod, and also have more available gain, a clean channel, and an effects loop. I highly recommend to anyone that has an earlier Friedman (dunno about the deluxe models), that would appreciate the ability to dial it in more open, tight, bright and with more of that Marshall krang, reach out to @RedPlated. He can get you there.
I grabbed a Plex about a month ago. I've had several 4-hole 50 watt amps: Germino Club 40 & LV55, Rockitt Retro 50, Vogel with choice mods, and have played through a couple of real deal metal panels at loud volumes. I've also had the Germino Masonette, another handwired, killer dual 6v6er, and the Marshall SV20...but they're a bit different. They were all great in their own way.
The Plex is fantastic. It has tight enough attack and gain for the hard rocking stuff, handy bright switches, a splendid master volume, and cleans up great. The ppimv still adds gain and gets brighter when you turn it down, but seems to retain the tone a bit better than the LarMar ppimv I've used in the past.
Here's the first clip I made after I got it.
This was straight in with an Anderson Icon. I was using a Suhr RL as a line out, into a looper and a delay out to the power amp of a PRS Archon 1x12. The clean sounds were at the same amp settings as the gain sounds, with the guitar volume rolled back. Sounds pretty great:
Here's a clip of me playing an EVH 78 Eruption guitar through a Mesa Cleo (Klone) set for slight bass cut and gain/volume boost into the Plex, Suhr RL line out into the EVH SDE3000 split out to 2 PRS Archon power amps for a WDW setup. Ratt, EVH, Alice In Chains and Tool, no problem:
Here's my buddy riffing on heavier sounds, using either a Gibson LP with JWP Godwoods or an Anderson Icon with a Lil Screamin Demon, thru either the Mesa Cleo or an OD808, into a Friedman 2x12 loaded with a V30/H75 mix. It does the mean stuff great with a boost:
And lastly, me comparing my 1984 4104 with 6550s (combo mid pot cap intact) to the Plex. What stands out to me about this clip is, the 4104 couldn't compete with the Plex at lower volumes. The 4104 sounded bland and lifeless in comparison. The ppimv of the Plex allowed much more gain and bite to come thru. I had to crank the master volume on the 4104 to get into the same realm. My solution to even the playing field, was to run them both thru a THD Hot Plate, so I could crank the 4104 for the same sound, without killing my ears. The revelation to me is, I want that Plex ppimv on my 4104. I want to juice up the phase inverter for more gain, and then bring the volume back down, without losing much of the tone. Another thing, the JCM800 with 6550s is a bit tighter and stuffier in feel, not as loose or raw, with a bigger low end and more high end presence:
In conclusion, the Plex is a killer take on the Plexi sound, with modern features (variac and and bright switches) that make it more versatile for different sounds, more useable with all kinds of dirt pedals, with the best ppimv that makes it compatible with situations that require lower volumes.
Disclaimer: I sold the Plex after the shootout with the 4104, thinking I'll add a ppimv to the Marshall, so I can get ballpark to the Plex. I'm never selling the 4104, but I definitely want to mod it to get it into the Plex range of sounds.
I happily recommend the Plex to anyone that wants to experience the best sounds a plexi type amp has to offer. It's fantastic. Friedman put out another superb amp with the Plex. Can't wait to see what else he does with the vintage line.
One thing I'll add here, that I didn't on TGP: I can pretty much nail the Plex sounds with the Ground Zero Friedman SS mod, and also have more available gain, a clean channel, and an effects loop. I highly recommend to anyone that has an earlier Friedman (dunno about the deluxe models), that would appreciate the ability to dial it in more open, tight, bright and with more of that Marshall krang, reach out to @RedPlated. He can get you there.
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