LOL, that song directly inspired one of their own songs!
He always has good tone IMOGary Holts tone on beatin around the bush is wicked
I have all the stuff he uses but have yet to get that nasty of a tone out of the Jubilee. Pretty close but something is still missing. Maybe the EMG’s.Gary Holts tone on beatin around the bush is wicked
I would think the 81s are important. Also what speakers?I have all the stuff he uses but have yet to get that nasty of a tone out of the Jubilee. Pretty close but something is still missing. Maybe the EMG’s.
Not sure which pedals, but I'm pretty sure he stacks 2 boosts. I actually did the same when I had the Mini Jube, but nothing over the top. I ran an EP Booster into an MXR GT-OD, and left the Rhythm Clip OFF. His tone sounds way more compressed, I'm sure EMG’s play a big role.I have all the stuff he uses but have yet to get that nasty of a tone out of the Jubilee. Pretty close but something is still missing. Maybe the EMG’s.
See if this helps. He also compares the passive EMGs he says are used in the studio with the active 81s.I have all the stuff he uses but have yet to get that nasty of a tone out of the Jubilee. Pretty close but something is still missing. Maybe the EMG’s.