What up Lumberjack!
i know you’ve been through your share bro bro…
here’s one story i’m sticking to. i went to a plexi shootout a few years ago and we got busy with a stack of vintage amps and axes that’d make rigtalk’s collective chin quiver-
12000 series superlead, super 100 jtm 45/100, superbass, metal panel 50s, bogner and mojave modded plexis…all through period correct cabs and speakers.
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(and i’ll have you know my peacemaker easily stood toe to toe with these legends!)
after a few hours of elite tone sausage festival homoing, one guy pulls out his flying V and plugs into a ‘72 50 watt plexi and instantly has my attention.
“what pickup is in that thing?”
“a holmes 455..”
crazy that of the 20+ guitars and 12 or so amps we heard, the pickup was what caught my ear!