Netflix better fix this shit


Then there's the fact that he's always had an "aggressive" / confident manner about him.

This, combined with, say, alcohol and you can imagine the intimidation a gal might've experienced.
I was speaking strictly about his boxing. I realize he was convicted of rape, but I also know that he was young , dumb, and filthy rich, and a prosecutors wet dream. Who knows? You don’t have to be guilty to get convicted of anything in this country.
If I made a point not to enjoy art or entertainment made by people who I dislike or are morally bankrupt I’d have a hell of a lot more free time on my hands. I mean I love RATM. My former band covered about 12 of their songs. I love music that makes me want to smash shit. If I ever met Morello or De La Rocha I would have a hard time not punching them in the mouth.
I just watched it on Netflix. No problem of course.

I was at my cabin, so even though I could have watched it its just not what I do when I'm out in the forest. Glad I missed all the streaming BS. The fight was just OK. Not worth they hype but I give Mike Credit for going all 8 rounds. No way I could do that.