Wizard Modern Classic II Mk2 - Clip - Full Mix and Guitars Only Mix

  • Thread starter Thread starter TheGreatGreen
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Well-known member
Earlier today I got jazzed up about the Wizard raffle and decided to fire mine up and put this together. They really are killer amps, uniquely tight and clear I think. Maybe it can give @Soldaners one more thing to listen to while he waits on his. :)

All guitars are:
PRS Custom 22 with EMG 81 bridge
Boss GE-7 style boost in front, relatively flat with slight boost in the highs, level fairly high
Wizard MCII - gain boost not engaged
blend of a V30 4x12 with 4047 and SM57 mics, and a Creamback 2x12 with an SM57 and M160 mics
very wide -6 db scoop in the mids at around 320 Hz and 800 Hz on an external EQ

Nothing crazy post-EQ wise in the DAW, just some high and low pass, some +- 1 or 2 db here and there to clean it up a bit.

Full Mix:

Guitars Only:

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Nice picking on that particular passage!

Thanks! That was a fun one.

I also went back and re-uploaded the mix after making a couple small changes. Sounds better this way after walking away for a minute and re-listening. Kinda funny how your ears start to hear things differently when you're knee deep in the middle of mixing stuff.
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sounds great man. I dunno if I would want to follow that with clips though! :LOL:

I think I liked the raw one the best.
That riff is a real zinger. Straight radio play ready - all you need are lyrics! That’s hard pressed to follow.

Amp sounds good!!
Earlier today I got jazzed up about the Wizard raffle and decided to fire mine up and put this together. They really are killer amps, uniquely tight and clear I think. Maybe it can give @Soldaners one more thing to listen to while he waits on his. :)

All guitars are:
PRS Custom 22 with EMG 81 bridge
Boss GE-7 style boost in front, relatively flat with slight boost in the highs, level fairly high
Wizard MCII - gain boost not engaged
blend of V30 4x12 with 4047 and SM57 mics, and a Creamback 2x12 with an SM57 and M160 mics

Nothing crazy post-EQ wise, just some high and low pass, some +- 1 or 2 db here and there to clean it up a bit.


Sounds great!!
Earlier today I got jazzed up about the Wizard raffle and decided to fire mine up and put this together. They really are killer amps, uniquely tight and clear I think. Maybe it can give @Soldaners one more thing to listen to while he waits on his. :)

All guitars are:
PRS Custom 22 with EMG 81 bridge
Boss GE-7 style boost in front, relatively flat with slight boost in the highs, level fairly high
Wizard MCII - gain boost not engaged
blend of V30 4x12 with 4047 and SM57 mics, and a Creamback 2x12 with an SM57 and M160 mics

Nothing crazy post-EQ wise, just some high and low pass, some +- 1 or 2 db here and there to clean it up a bit.


Sounds great! Now I want a Wizard too ?
Damn that sounds good. There is a nice harmonic content somehow that puts a nice sheen on the top end. Beautiful.

Sheen is a good word for it. They're very clear amps, you can really hear the character of the guitar come through even with how much gain they have available, and the particular way the harmonics sit gives them a slickness that really makes them cut through.
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