Been an interesting weekend so far.

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Drove about eight hours round trip to KC yesterday to pick up a NAD, pics and info to follow.... and had someone drive all the way from San Antonio, TX to NW Arkansas to buy a couple of Mesa Boogie 4x12's I had listed on FB Marketplace this morning. Cool guy, we tested out the cabs with my early serial Multi-watt and visited while his wife and my wife chatted about whatever wives do while their husbands are geekin' out about gear. When they pulled up, he already had two Mesa 4x12's loaded in the back of the truck and a Stiletto head in the cab. Told me he's pretty much been a Marshall guy is whole life, but wanted to get into Mesa's and had bought a multi-watt and a Roadster and needed cabs for them. When this guy decides to get into Mesa Boogie, he really gets into Mesa Boogie!! :ROFLMAO:

Overall, a pretty good weekend. :cheers:
I miss my Stiletto I had, and wish I had kept it and the cab I had for it. But, sometimes ya move on to other stuff. 8 hours drive is no joke. I'm considering making a 22 hour round trip drive to go get a guitar. Quit teasing us and post that damn Cornford already.
Amen. I might drive a few hours to swap a guitar for a bass...

...If this dude from Craigslist doesn't flake out on me...
Patients, trust and communication..
I wouldn't have driven all that.. LOL
Cong rats.. You're on a roll with gear..