I suppose

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I just picked up 30 steel mags with anti tilt followers. I love the steel mags…no problem with them in any of my ar’s. Tupperware is for cooking…so do the math… I can’t have empty mags in my house… it’s anathema to me….
I just picked up 30 steel mags with anti tilt followers. I love the steel mags…no problem with them in any of my ar’s. Tupperware is for cooking…so do the math… I can’t have empty mags in my house… it’s anathema to me….
I bought into the Kalash cause of the ammo and robust yet affordable mags. Still ended up with a bunch of Tapcos too cause they were 8 or 10 bucks each. I consider them disposable but they've never failed to feed, they just don't work that great with most web gear. I have plenty topped off steels but have enough I didn't want to fill them all.
I bought into the Kalash cause of the ammo and robust yet affordable mags. Still ended up with a bunch of Tapcos too cause they were 8 or 10 bucks each. I consider them disposable but they've never failed to feed, they just don't work that great with most web gear. I have plenty topped off steels but have enough I didn't want to fill them all.
I usually use ammoseek…dude I paid $7-8 each for those magazines…and no feeding problems. Sometimes with my pmags depending on which generation will not stick and drop right out on me.
I usually use ammoseek…dude I paid $7-8 each for those magazines…and no feeding problems. Sometimes with my pmags depending on which generation will not stick and drop right out on me.
I had that issue with Amend 2 mags. Never had a problem with gen 2 or gen 3 P mags. They all drop and they all hold the bolt open on all my guns. So those are the ones I stick with.

Ammoseek is great. Most of the time I end up at one or two of my LGS who often have as good of prices on ammo as I can find on line. My go to for online ammo is SG Ammo. Anything over $200 is free shipping. My monthly budget is north of that. Usually well north of that.
Just throwing my few pennies in on this

I get the whole staff member thing is a default setting for a person that has a manufactures sub forum and it's been fixed.

The part that's off-putting to me is after rolling in for a couple of days with nothing but troll posts dude gets a sub forum. I know there's sort of an unwritten rule that if you have a business you can have your own sub. But at the same time it's under the RigTalk banner and in a way is representative of the main forum and staff/moderators. When some rando who is not a well known manufacturer (like Friedman for example) and no real previous RT history starts off trolling everyone then given a sub forum... It breaks the trust of staff members. Like okay, I guess they'll just any ole scammer start a sub and we all get ripped off.

Now, I'm not being accusatory towards the kid about the scamming part. I just feel if someone gets a manufactures sub forum and they're not a major producer, they should at least have to build a little forum cred and be in good standing first. Show that you are trustworthy and a good contributing member first. Starting with troll posts isn't the way to do that. At best it's a rocky start. It also looks bad on staff to hand a privilege over to someone starting out like that.

Think of it from this perspective; you have to get 50 legit posts and 2 step authentication just to post in the classifieds, but someone who started guns a blazing, trolling a giveaway thread is handed the privilege of a manufactures sub forum. That doesn't sit overly well.

Remember it takes a long time to build a person's trust in you, but only a moment to break it.
Yup. If you have a business and are willing to monitor / curate your sub-forum, it's all-good.

You didn't seem to have noticed that he did indeed do the 50-post, 2FA thing. He had an ad in the classifieds section but couldn't meet the requirements for specific pricing etc. 'cause "cables". I therefore suggested a manu sub-forum for him.

As for "character tests" - that approach would be a slippery slope IMHO. You can have a slot 'cause we like you but you cannot 'cause you've breached an invisible threshold of likability. We have rules. If he, like anyone else, breaks the rules sufficiently in order to get bant, he stands to lose more 'cause he'd effectively lose his sub-forum.

Lastly, one word:
Yup. If you have a business and are willing to monitor / curate your sub-forum, it's all-good.

You didn't seem to have noticed that he did indeed do the 50-post, 2FA thing. He had an ad in the classifieds section but couldn't meet the requirements for specific pricing etc. 'cause "cables". I therefore suggested a manu sub-forum for him.

As for "character tests" - that approach would be a slippery slope IMHO. You can have a slot 'cause we like you but you cannot 'cause you've breached an invisible threshold of likability. We have rules. If he, like anyone else, breaks the rules sufficiently in order to get bant, he stands to lose more 'cause he'd effectively lose his sub-forum.

Lastly, one word:
You seemed to have missed my point entirely...

Yes I did notice he had 50 posts and 2FA. But IMO those 50 posts [at the time] were gained outside the spirit of the rule. I do understand that it's an automated thing that only counts the quantity, not quality. I would argue that troll posting a giveaway and multi-posting a tuner thread is cheap posting and bad etiquette, thereby violating the spirit of the minimum post count. The rule does state:

1. You need 50 posts to PM and 2FA enabled to buy / sell / trade here. Cheap posting to up your count is bad etiquette, will be frowned-upon and won't win you any friends here.

And since you brought this to light, Rule 2 was also violated:

2. No unauthorized commercial postings.
With the exception of authorized commercial sellers the Classifieds Section is strictly for private party sales and is offered free of charge to members of the Rig-Talk Community. If you are a dealer or commercial seller you must PM me directly for permission to post your gear.

So here we have a person who right off the bat arguably violated the spirit of rule 1, flat out broke rule 2, had zero presence on R/T, the little that was established were troll posts, and then handed a sub forum. Not only that, it was suggested to him by a moderator that he should have a manu. sub forum. Please explain to me how that does not suggest any random Joe Blow off the street can have a sub forum no questions asked and not put (or at min. have potential to put) R/T in a bad light.

My point is there are rules and standards to post in the classifieds, but none to be granted a manufacturers sub forum. They can just be handed out like Halloween candy. I wouldn't count have a business or monitor/curate as actual rules either. One, it's not written as an official rule/policy anywhere. Two, half the subs aren't monitored anymore and nothing about that is enforced. Three, Is it even verified that the person does indeed have a legitimate business before giving them a sub?

Mentioning Larry again says you entirely missed the point.
To reiterate my point, there's no minimum standard to be granted a manu. sub forum. My statement about building forum cred wasn't about likeability or "character tests". It was about establishing a presence on R/T before being handed a sub forum; just like Rule 1 for the classifieds. Off the top of my head; be a member for X amount of time, have X number of posts (excluding OTC), show that you actually have a product. Establishing a presence happens to have a secondary effect of showing character, but isn't the main purpose.

Let me put out a hypothetical...
Brand new member joins up and says "I make/sell guitar strings can I have a sub forum?" As things stand now that would be granted. Other members buy sets of strings. Turns out this dude is a fraud and people get packs of office depot rubber bands. What do you think is going to be the first questions asked? I suspect it would be how/why did he get a sub forum in the first place and who gave it to him? Yeah the guy is a scammer, but it ultimately falls on Rig-Talk for not having a set standard and giving him the platform with no questions asked. And as it stands the guy could still keep his sub forum. It wouldn't take but one bad situation for R/T to lose credibility and gain a rep. as a place for scammers. On top of that, the mod who gave out the sub forum is going to be called into question and likely have their good name sullied.

Now let's say the guy ultimately was a scammer, but this time around there were minimum standards set to receive a sub forum. Let's say member for 90 days, 200 posts (excluding OTC posts), and presented some form of proof of product (website, facebook, a simple picture). And let's put and agreement to actions deemed "a violation of trust/scamming" would result in termination of sub forum for good measure. Dude turns out to be a scammer anyway. This go around fault lies 100% on him. R/T & mods did their due diligence to ensure the safety of it's members and presumably delete the sub forum. The situation would still suck, but has a completely different vibe on the side of R/T and mods; their reputations aren't put in jeopardy.

To wrap thigs up I do want to emphasize a few things:

1. I understand this whole thing stemmed from a misunderstanding and led to a crappy looking situation. I'm in no way trying to single any one person out as being at fault, not legitimate or anything like that; that goes for both members and mods. It just so happened that this all brought some deficiencies that could lead to a really bad situation to light.

2. My overreaching reason for posting any of this is for the wellbeing of Rig-Talk as a whole. I don't want to see the forum go downhill because of an oversight. I also don't want to see a mod get put in a compromising situation that would put their individual reputation on the line. As far as this conversation is concerned, both of these seem easily preventable by IMO establishing some minimum standards for being granted a manufacturer sub forum.
@MadAsAHatter Brother, I totally get where you're coming from.

Your first point:
For the record, I wrote and worded that "rule" you quoted - "Cheap posting to up your count is bad etiquette, will be frowned-upon and won't win you any friends here", so yes, I'm aware of it. The dude's way past 50 posts now anyway, so for all intents and purposes this could've happened today.

Your second point:
I saw his ad and informed him that his sort of "ad" violated the rules, hence offering the sub-forum.

"I wouldn't count have a business or monitor/curate as actual rules either."
I didn't suggest that, only that it's a requirement, at least at the outset (business ceasing for instance). It's not in any rule 'cause it's too-obvious.

Mentioning Larry again says you entirely missed the point.
To reiterate my point, there's no minimum standard to be granted a manu. sub forum. My statement about building forum cred wasn't about likeability or "character tests". It was about establishing a presence on R/T before being handed a sub forum; just like Rule 1 for the classifieds. Off the top of my head; be a member for X amount of time, have X number of posts (excluding OTC), show that you actually have a product. Establishing a presence happens to have a secondary effect of showing character, but isn't the main purpose.
Yeah I get that bro'; my statement was to illustrate that there isn't a character requirement, which leads into your point about the establishment of a credible forum presence. Not required. Is that a problem? I don't think so. In fact, I can't think of a single member for whom this has been an issue.

There are preset / IR sellers right now who haven't done that BTW, one of whom is arguably the top guitar-session pro in the Netherlands (invited by me). Some joined for this purpose only, which is fine by me 'cause as I keep saying, as long as someone's willing to service his sub-forum and offers wares / value to members, it's all-good in my book.

Let me put out a hypothetical...
Brand new member joins up and says "I make/sell guitar strings can I have a sub forum?" As things stand now that would be granted. Other members buy sets of strings. Turns out this dude is a fraud and people get packs of office depot rubber bands. What do you think is going to be the first questions asked? I suspect it would be how/why did he get a sub forum in the first place and who gave it to him? Yeah the guy is a scammer, but it ultimately falls on Rig-Talk for not having a set standard and giving him the platform with no questions asked. And as it stands the guy could still keep his sub forum. It wouldn't take but one bad situation for R/T to lose credibility and gain a rep. as a place for scammers. On top of that, the mod who gave out the sub forum is going to be called into question and likely have their good name sullied.

Now let's say the guy ultimately was a scammer, but this time around there were minimum standards set to receive a sub forum. Let's say member for 90 days, 200 posts (excluding OTC posts), and presented some form of proof of product (website, facebook, a simple picture). And let's put and agreement to actions deemed "a violation of trust/scamming" would result in termination of sub forum for good measure. Dude turns out to be a scammer anyway. This go around fault lies 100% on him. R/T & mods did their due diligence to ensure the safety of it's members and presumably delete the sub forum. The situation would still suck, but has a completely different vibe on the side of R/T and mods; their reputations aren't put in jeopardy.

To wrap thigs up I do want to emphasize a few things:

1. I understand this whole thing stemmed from a misunderstanding and led to a crappy looking situation. I'm in no way trying to single any one person out as being at fault, not legitimate or anything like that; that goes for both members and mods. It just so happened that this all brought some deficiencies that could lead to a really bad situation to light.

2. My overreaching reason for posting any of this is for the wellbeing of Rig-Talk as a whole. I don't want to see the forum go downhill because of an oversight. I also don't want to see a mod get put in a compromising situation that would put their individual reputation on the line. As far as this conversation is concerned, both of these seem easily preventable by IMO establishing some minimum standards for being granted a manufacturer sub forum.
Good stuff brother. I appreciate your efforts to help protect our little community.

Thing is, as you imply, there's no real way to know. I did in fact see the website and a video, so he's easily-tracked FWIMBW:

Providence | Cables

Providence manufactures and distributes effects like the SOV-2 and DLY-4, as well as instrument cables like the E205, H207 and P203 for guitarists and bassists. The leading brand of instrument Cables in Japan since 1996. Providence Cables renews for the next generation in both sound and new-look...

Anwho, I do get your point. My take is that there's an automatic understanding that fraud will not be tolerated. AFAIK we haven't seen it from any of the vendors yet and don't expect to.

That said, I agree that it couldn't do any harm to put something in-writing. I'll mull over this and try to come up with something.

Thank you again bro'; your concerns are appreciated. :cheers:
Does appear that Mr. The Kid is a North American sales representative of said company, but not manufacturer or dealer of the product.
Not entirely sure what that means on his end as far as his status with them, but I would say at least to not hold your opinion of him against the manufacturer. While I'm not a personal fan of him, I would also say that it's probably in his best interest to represent a company (especially one originating in my ancestrial homeland of Japan) with good faith and a balanced approach if that's his intention anywhere he's representing them and not just himself.

While I don't personally consider myself politically correct, tact still goes a long way in the world. Especially when representing a business. Especially when representing a business originating in Japan. What someone does on their own time is their business. But if there is even a perception that you're representing someone other than yourself, I would probably not recommend trolling and or anal sex commentary in your dealings with potential customers. Unless it's the porn/adult industry. At which point, by all means.

Anyways, good luck to him. He's probably going to need it to build a better foundation here or elsewhere where that may be his approach.