Most Crushing Tone in Metal.

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Can't say I've ever heard the perfect tone on a metal album. There's a lot of great tones and a LOT of shitty tones in metal but these are some of favorites
Paracletus was a life altering experience for me musically. And, aside from being a Fleshgod fan, I've got to play a few venues with them when they passed through. Awesome guys!

To further add to the crushing... especially from 3:05 onwards 🥲
Paracletus was a life altering experience for me musically. And, aside from being a Fleshgod fan, I've got to play a few venues with them when they passed through. Awesome guys!

To further add to the crushing... especially from 3:05 onwards 🥲

Yeah man that's one of the darkest records ever recorded imo.
Some good ones out of the posts so far. I am sure that it is probably common knowledge to most on here, but if the amp used is known, feel free to mention them. From what I heard, I can probably guess at least half of them, but most of these bands I am not familiar with.
Some good ones out of the posts so far. I am sure that it is probably common knowledge to most on here, but if the amp used is known, feel free to mention them. From what I heard, I can probably guess at least half of them, but most of these bands I am not familiar with.
I actually thought about mentioning this in the op. Sometimes though the amps they record with and the amps they play live are completely different
I dug these guys in the 90’s. We used to jam this and Demonic pretty loud though the P.A. In the back of the music store I worked at…

Cool Slayer Cover

You always come through with some shit way off my radar in these threads. That is badass!
I don't want to limit this to Death Metal, even though I think that is where the Slime Lives. I want some of you to prove me wrong. But the goal of this is Songs that are just massive or have a massive riff where the tone of the guitar is insane. I will give two I was listening to this morning.

In general, The most crushing band I have seen live is Soreption. I mean, maybe Vitriol was close. But goddamn. Soreption is fucking sick.
