I had an Engl Blackmore head in the past and I just got an Engl Straight 100...
Let me tell you...they are night and day...even construction wise...the blackmore had tiny irons whereas the straight has HUGE trannies and sounds very diffrent from the "engl" sound...
A good friend had also a...
Overseas factories are hitting bars nowadays...
Check on those harley bentons...what do you get for 300$....
The same happens with epi...better stuff with premium prices...they are asking 1.500...you can get "speced" guitars with 300$-500$...
Those idiots at gibson want 1500 for a 300-500...
HNAD to me!!
Just got an Engl Straight from 1990!!
The tightest amp I have ever played.
Its the head George Lynch used on the instructional video...
Very Mark IV sound like amp...