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    Does an anti compression pedal exist?

    1)Turn back the gain 2)Turn back the bass 3)Get a lower output pickup 4)Try a 5751 preamp tube in V1
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    tell me how you really feel (about ENGL)

    I had an Engl Blackmore head in the past and I just got an Engl Straight 100... Let me tell you...they are night and day...even construction wise...the blackmore had tiny irons whereas the straight has HUGE trannies and sounds very diffrent from the "engl" sound... A good friend had also a...
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    Bands that got better with age

    Saxon Accept Stryper Judas Priest Most old bands at least are releashing decent albums...apart from metallica...
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    NEW Epiphone Inspired by Gibson Custom Guitars - Full 2024 Lineup Reveal

    Overseas factories are hitting bars nowadays... Check on those harley bentons...what do you get for 300$.... The same happens with epi...better stuff with premium prices...they are asking can get "speced" guitars with 300$-500$... Those idiots at gibson want 1500 for a 300-500...
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    NAD Vintage Engl content

    HNAD to me!! Just got an Engl Straight from 1990!! The tightest amp I have ever played. Its the head George Lynch used on the instructional video... Very Mark IV sound like amp...
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    Do you use your pinky?

    Apart from Michael Schencker who does not use the pinky...who else doesnt?
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    Id like to talk to George about his pot ...
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    Star Guitar build

    Stars are nice...
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    What's your oldest guitar amp?

    I just got a 1990 Engl Straight... I also have o jose modded 2204 with nos 70's parts...but that does not count...
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    Seeking recommendations

    You can do a combination of 10 riffs+solos of many tracks... Just to keep the crowd interested...
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    Seeking recommendations

    Reb Beach - Black Magic... Great solos and riffs...
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    Gig cab with Redback and Creambacks?

    I know...thats why I am asking...I have the H30 75hz and they overpower every M magnet speaker I have tried...
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    Gig cab with Redback and Creambacks?

    how does this work? Greenbacks top? Slanted cab?
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    Solid state power amp for W/D

    You dont need much volume for the wet...
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    Solid state power amp for W/D

    I use one for my wet... It has an ative eq in every channel as well...
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    Solid state power amp for W/D

    I use a palmer Macht 1u SS power amp...its built for guitar setups... It does what is supposed to do...
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    Is the EVH 5150 III underrated?

    If you use the matching cab with the heritage greenbacks, the amp can be bouncy... If you use V30 or a K100 it will be stiff...
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    What are the hot guitars these days?

    Those Ibanezes that look like suhrs with the baked maple necks and the matte finish... F gross......
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    Cornford MK50

    MKII is a great amp... But tonewise the RK100 was special...
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    Is the EVH 5150 III underrated?

    No way underated... A bit of vanilla yes...