Search results

  1. tfridgen

    Ibanez RG550 20th Anny price check

    How much should I expect to pay for a used rg550xx in desert yellow. All original, good condition, original(yellow) case and all that jazz?
  2. tfridgen

    Kemper Fun on ... ead-9.html I think there's something wrong with this guy, start on page 9 at post #219. Are people really this stupid?
  3. tfridgen

    Wise Family Memorial Fund for Fallen Rig-Talker Ben Wise

    Heartbreaking. RIP. Tyler
  4. tfridgen

    Superior Drummer Midi Controller

    What's a good relatively cheap midi controller to write drums on Superior Drummer on my laptop? I'm a little leery of the USB ones as I've had latency issues using USB midi interfaces.
  5. tfridgen

    Value Check : 1988 Jackson USA Tele-style

    All original pickups with active preamp, kind of a translucent pink, made in the Ontario factory, perfect condition. Anybody know what these usually go for?
  6. tfridgen

    About to join the family(Diezel Hagen)...

    Just jumped on bwgintegra's Hagen he got from Steve_K. Pretty damn excited, it's my first Diezel. It'll probably be a month before I get it so, start hypin me up!!!
  7. tfridgen

    Anybody use the TC-Electronics D-Two

    Been looking for a rack delay for some time and one of these has popped up locally. Anyone ever use one? Dish, ladies, dish!
  8. tfridgen

    What's wrong with me???? W/D/W question

    Ok, what the fuck is going on. Used to love my Roadster through any cabinet by itself. Enter the Recto 2:100. I've slaved the Roadster into the 2:100 for the L and R effects and have the Roadster running dry middle all the time(effects aren't always running by the way). Now, I find when I...
  9. tfridgen

    Tell me about the ESP M1 Custom...

    How do these stack up against today's ESP's? Are they pretty solid guitars? I've got a chance to trade my halfback Mesa Boogie 4x12 for this straight up. Any advice is mucho appreciato!
  10. tfridgen

    F-spaced vs Standard Spacing

    Is it a huge deal if I put F-spaced pups in my Gibson LP?
  11. tfridgen

    ESP MX-3 USA Custom Shop

    Any info on these guitars, got a chance to pick one up locally. It's a green/purple/black kinda colour depending on wich way you look at it. 59 humbucker in the bridge and cool rails in both sc positions wi original floyd rose. I can't find too much on these guitars and was wondering if...
  12. tfridgen

    Ibanez 2006 Prestige 2610E help with value

    Hey guys, can anyone help me with the value of this guitar, it's an Ibanez 2006 Prestige 2610E with custom mirrored inlay neck with edge pro. It's the 185th one made by Team J-craft, and has a Seymour Duncan Blackout pickup. Here are the pics; Any help is greatly appreciated :rock:
  13. tfridgen


    ...that I can make with an acoustic and a pc mic; PU»BLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: This song isn`t very heavy.
  14. tfridgen

    Japanese Jackson Kelly Professional Standard

    Does this look like a good deal? ... Z283023205
  15. tfridgen

    Marshall JVM 210h slaving a power amp

    May be a stupid question, but what's the best way to drive a slave power amp with the JVM 210h?
  16. tfridgen

    Old Metal Grille Mesa 4x12

    Just bought this cab loaded with Mesa Black Shadows for $500, good deal or no?
  17. tfridgen

    PSA: Beware gooseman

    POTENTIAL BUYERS BEWARE: This guy has been on the boogie board under the names civicbud, budlovesaly, aly44 and BostonRedSox in that chronological order. First he tried to trade me his 'flawless' Roadster head for my Roadster combo under the name budlovesaly. After some research I put...
  18. tfridgen

    H&K Triamp MKII

    Ok, I've got the chance to trade for one of these and want to hear any opinions on these amps. Right now, I've got my Roadster that I do love. Why get rid of it then? My amp slut legs are stuck widely and firmly open! Anyways, can this amp do brute force a la rectifier? I want to hear what...
  19. tfridgen

    Anywhere to play a Diezel in Toronto?

    Anyone know anyplace to go to try out a Diezel?
  20. tfridgen


    Fellas, Coming to Toronto this Saturday and thought I'd see if anyone is up for a trade. I've got a Mint 2008 Mesa Boogie Roadster that I converted into a head. Got the manual and all that kind of shite so that we can transfer the warranty(March 2013), Headshell was made by Swanson Custom...