Listen; my partner (surgery partner-not life partner) has a pretty extensive cosmetic surgery practice.. he teaches these chicks how to actually bleach their assholes. No lie. There is some cream or something and it’s fucking stupid. Like they need to be taught how to wipe cream on it. Never...
The whole band has a lot of energy there; wouldn’t matter how bad they are…. The fans love that constant Brownian motion vs the normal flag poles playing on stage.. it’s true, face contortions, hip thrusts, body spinning, head banging, goofy scant clothing gets people fired up.
Yeah. See that shit gets burned in your mind because it’s so odd. But…. People pay the big Washingtons to see it. The ho’s thought you were huge spenders if a 5 or 10 popped up. Might get brought into the back for a massage.
They talk about Vai’s sound in a video somewhere…. And how he got it. I’m not sure I would move your stack into a smaller room BUT would be interesting to see if it changed anything on the overall sound.. ie is it the lexicon giving that effect or the room. Turn the Lex off and see. Just...
For those that remember or have been to the Memphis “gentlemen’s club” scene way back when. Anything could happen; as this was last century- I’ll just say pre-9/11. Dammit….. I’ll never forget the headliner one night; some porn star began pulling out a string of pearls ever so slowly from her...
Yeah…. I’m a hard, fuuuuck that! . No… I’m not hard and want to fuck that. I’m not a hard fuck. But I understand collecting things and maybe someone has a true hard on for this stuff. Amps are my thing, not guitars.
Steve; the one you are referring to is stereo out so no worry on that one. (Nothing to see here😏)
The one I’m coming out of today is the Myasnikov X88 Single output. Short Y cable to 2 separate poweramps. Soldano and PS. I don’t feel like I’m losing anything BUT are the poweramps...
If you come out of a preamp with a Y-cable. (Mono from the pre to a cable that splits and goes to two separate poweramps); Is any signal lost when it splits? It doesn’t seem so in my rig but I woke up pondering my signal path today.
Btw happy Thanksgiving.
I believe what’s app is the best way. At least for me. Oleg is a solid dude. He just lives in a place that is out of bounds for the most part. However I think he is pretty well connected as his stuff still gets through so….