Search results

  1. yeoldefortran

    Sale or Trade Blackhawk Modded VTM 120 [sale]

    Currently on sale for $1350
  2. yeoldefortran

    Sold Chubtone Explorer - $1300

    Currently on sale for $1325 shipped
  3. yeoldefortran

    Sold DCA Heavy Metal Warfare [pending]

    Full-size DCA HMW 50-watt with charcoal stain. This is the second time I've bought a DCA HMW! They are killer amps that blend some Soldano and VHT DNA, but juiced to provide just gobs and gobs of gain. Built on turrets with not a relay in sight, these things are built to crush and be crushed. My...
  4. yeoldefortran

    Sale or Trade Blackhawk Modded VTM 120 [sale]

  5. yeoldefortran

    Sold Chubtone Explorer - $1300

  6. yeoldefortran

    Sold 5153 Stealth 6L6 50 watt

  7. yeoldefortran

    Sold Redseven Leviathan 120

  8. yeoldefortran

    Sold Redseven Leviathan 120

    Real beast of an amp! And this one is covered in really cool "dystopian universe" tolex. To me, it sounds like something between a SLO and a Rectifier but with a KT88 power amp that just moves air. Cosmetically, you'll see some minor wear when up-close, but in general it looks super clean. Works...
  9. yeoldefortran

    Sold 5153 Stealth 6L6 50 watt

    This one shows only minor signs of use cosmetically and sounds great. Shockingly hangs well with the big boys. Comes with footswitch and cover. $900 shipped F+F (or fees on you) CONUS.
  10. yeoldefortran

    Withdrawn ---

    The mother is a super cool amp. Different than everything else I've encountered on the market, but not so different as to be unusable or totally unfamiliar. If you are wanting to try something different from yet another hot rodded marshall, this might be a good candidate.
  11. yeoldefortran

    Sold Chubtone Explorer - $1300

    Somehow still here.
  12. yeoldefortran

    Sale or Trade Blackhawk Modded VTM 120 [sale]

    This is a Peavey VTM 120 that has been extensively modified by Brooks from Blackhawk Amps. The modifications include: * Removal of molex connectors for heaters, replace with 18 AWG * Electrolytics replaced * Resonance Control Added * Blocking caps replaced with Orange Drop and Mallory * Tone...
  13. yeoldefortran

    Sold Chubtone Explorer - $1300

  14. yeoldefortran

    Sold Mesa Boogie Mark IV Long Head (Price lowered AGAIN)

    I shot out a loop-modded IIB, Mark III++, Mark IVb, and Mark VII this year. Mark IV was king IMO (though I kept the IIB and did some mods on it). Don't sleep.
  15. yeoldefortran

    Sold Chubtone Explorer - $1300

    Back home back up
  16. yeoldefortran

    What are Fryette 4x12 front loaded cabinets like?

    I just got a FB 412 with Fanes. It’s not a bright as I would’ve expected given my experience with 8 ohm F-70s. Compared to my 2000 Mesa OS it’s a bit more focused and tight but it’s not night and day. Definitely a great cab, more versatile than I expected.
  17. yeoldefortran

    [sold] Monomyth Skeleton Key

    $2700 until tomorrow afternoon. Got my eye on something and headed out of town on Sunday.
  18. yeoldefortran

    Sold Chubtone Explorer - $1300

  19. yeoldefortran

    Speakers: Scumback M-75LD, BM-75LD (Price Drops)

  20. yeoldefortran

    Aristides Guitars Factory Tour 2024

    I had an Aristides I wasn’t sure about and sold, but I’m curious again. Has anyone tried a Ruf to compare?