Yeah definitely a completely different beast. That's one thing I love about Bogner, the range on his amps are like no other company. You can find an amp to fit almost any genre you can imagine
Fwiw the Wizards are the only amp I still gas for over an UU for modern high gainer.
A bit noisy for sure. The only marks missed in my opinion was having a built in gate and the ability to get extremely tight like an engl perhaps.
But these are completely different amps I'm guessing for completely different genres. The Snorkler seems pretty cool.
That's the impression I got from what I've heard on this one. Very interested to play one as it has something unique and grainy/nasty about it from the clips i heard.
Super awesome purchase I'm sure it's cool but man, I do have to take it with a grain of salt from someone who thinks the UU wasn't a great amp, Let alone one of the best modern high gain amps available today. :lol:
Would be tough to choose. Not sure how I feel about the "nasty" thing the Bogner has going on but I think it sounds better overall yet still very similar. Bump up the highs on the JJ.
My biggest takeaway is that a Bogner is brighter than something else :lol:
Awesome band, couldn't really get into their 2nd album but their debut was killer.
Got to see them once in 02 or 03, they played with RHCP and completely stole the show. They were awesome live.
Yeah man, I see a lot of great deals on here sitting but times are tough and unsure so I get it.
Can't give it away but may be willing to take a decent local cash offer.
A lot of their later stuff I really got into like the Atrocity Exibition. I feel both the music and the vocals were a lot more aggressive but I'm also 44 so kind of missed their early days.