Weird this popped up. I've been going back into another Queensryche kick. Been learning all of Operation Mindcrime rhythm. It's amazing how when you play just the guitar it can seem very basic. Add the bass, drums, etc and you realise how good the songwriting was. Amazing restraint in the...
I tell you what seems under mentioned from that era, the availablity of leather jackets. Seemed they were in abundance. I’d have to go looking with serious intention to find one these days.
I was only a kid in that era, but it was the best. To this day I’m still huge into a lot of “hair” style music. Or even just good rock and metal from guys with a lot of hair. lol.
The sad irony being I started losing mine in my early 20s. So I feel a bit on the outskirts. Strangely another...
I actually played my JMP 2203 yesterday. Then last night jumped back on my kemper and it was more useful.
Sure if I had my own recording booth or concert hall I’d maybe only play tubes. But I love my kemper in the home “studio”.
Good one guys! You were supposed to all be on one or the other so we could see an easy pattern.
For what it’s worth I’m on a Mac and don’t have this problem. I start up the kemper first usually. Then rig manager.
I do sometimes find if the laptop goes to sleep it loses the connection and...
I know it isn’t hard. I’ll go next:
Then Eddie did burnouts in Soldano’s parking lot and Alex lent out the window and threw bottles at the factory, yelling “you shouldn’t have charged us for the amps nerd”.
Yeah, I get that bit. I’m talking about all the rest of the backstory that has just been made up. That he was pissed off at Mike Soldano and decided to rip it off.