Search results

  1. 1984_5150

    Soldering Iron/Kit reccomendation?

    Hakko FX888DX-010BY
  2. 1984_5150

    1/4" TRS F to TRS M polarity reversal adapter?
  3. 1984_5150

    Floyd Rose guys…question

    D-tuna wont work on a trem that has the fine tuners angled back like that.
  4. 1984_5150

    Would you rock this new George Lynch Desert Eagle?

    its got the duncan '78 in it.
  5. 1984_5150

    Defunct amp companies

  6. 1984_5150

    Help finding a project book to build amp
  7. 1984_5150

    Accidentally plugged in one amp output into another amp output. How bad did I screw up?

    I accidentally did this with two tube amps. Heard a noise from a transformer and stopped playing and figured it out. No permanent damage.
  8. 1984_5150

    Evh Wolfgang F spaced?
  9. 1984_5150

    Kirks new les paul

  10. 1984_5150

    Dean control cover.,but%20it%20will%20cool%20flat.
  11. 1984_5150

    New guitar needed - single P90, long scale, underdog
  12. 1984_5150

    DSL resurrected

    I think its a limited edition DSL MLB that has the black piping instead of white. Nice.
  13. 1984_5150

    Introducing the Beast ! Custom amp Build.

    Blazing Saddles?
  14. 1984_5150

    Les Paul pics please.. let’s see what ya got

  15. 1984_5150

    Les Paul pics please.. let’s see what ya got

  16. 1984_5150

    Anybody using a Hipshot Tone-A-Matic?

    I'm not using one but look at page 3 of this: Maybe it comes with metric and usa posts?
  17. 1984_5150

    Rigtalk Lottery #3 is upon us!

  18. 1984_5150

    GOTOH 1996 T?

    Use the Gotoh with the Floyd posts. Not a problem.