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  1. M

    Defunct amp companies

    Seymour Duncan were doing amps for a while, back in the day. Seemed like a cool concept, but it seems like they had reliability issues. I can't remember specifically. Something was under engineered or something, and once that was addressed, they were fine.
  2. M

    Ozzy live vocals?

    I don't think he's ever released a live album where the vocals didn't get reworked in the studio.
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    What a classic song that has a superior live version ?

    Iron Maiden, Flight of Icarus. Live after Death was my first major exposure to Iron Maiden, and with many of those tunes I like the energy of the live versions more than the studio versions. Ditto for Kiss Alive! That album was my first major exposure to Kiss, and I knew those songs backward...
  4. M

    Talk me in to/out of a Jubilee 100

    That's the misgiving for me with the 2525, is that 20w from a pair of EL34s just doesn't ring right to me, lol. On the other hand, it seems like they put a lot of thought into how to accomplish that without compromising the end result too much. I'm sure using a greeback instead of a vintage 30...
  5. M

    Talk me in to/out of a Jubilee 100

    I believe the lead channel adds diodes regardless. The other channel only uses them when rhythm clip is engaged.
  6. M

    The secret to "easy" tone

    What string gauge are you using? I'm in the same boat with accuracy. In my case, I like my lead tones to be lower gain, open, and raw. Very little compression, and unforgiving. I've thought about switching to 9s to see how much less "fight" there is. It also helps me to practice using clean...
  7. M

    So what’s the new synergy module gonna be??

    I still use a Randall RT2/50 with my modular stuff. It sounds great and it's built like a tank. I don't really care if the modules don't match their namesakes exactly. To me it's more about having a canvas with a lot of options for creating my own sounds.
  8. M

    Huge Changes to Gig Payment

    We have that with casino gigs, usually $1600-1800 for a Friday/Saturday engagement. Whichever one of us signs the contract ends up with a 1099. It's possible though that it's SOP for the casino to 1099 any contract employee, regardless of dollar amount. It wouldn't surprise me anyway. Beyond...
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    Huge Changes to Gig Payment

    Yup. It's basically just a clarification and then codification of what has already been the practice of the DOL and courts for decades. It's for what are essentially established, perpetual work relationships, where the employer is classifying the employee as a contract worker in order to skirt...
  10. M

    tell me how you really feel (about ENGL)

    The addition of import tariffs and distributor markup would give the impression that they're boutique-quality, but they are not. I had an Invader II and a E580 preamp, and for the most part had no problems with them, just not the tones I was looking for. In the US though, you're getting a...
  11. M

    Hello, my Tourmaster 412 cab “impedance sensor” 16 Ohm input Died.

    If I remember correctly, they're 4x16 ohm speakers. Each side is wired parallel, 8 ohms per side, and then two wires from each side running to the PCB. Remove the PCB, then connect the + wire from the speakers on one side, to the - wire from the speakers on the other side, and then connect the...
  12. M

    Saw Geoff Tate on Tuesday night in Foxboro (love me some live Queesnryche)

    I saw Queensryche about 18 months ago, and I think it's been decades since Geoff could sing his own stuff as well as Todd sings it now. I agree about the unlikeleness of a reunion of the classic lineup. Lots of really bad blood with Geoff. I think they would have to be a lot of money on the...
  13. M

    Ebony board maintenance

    I don't need to oil my boards often. Maybe once a decade? When I do though, I just use food-grade mineral oil from the pharmacy area of the grocery store. Give it a good cleaning, and then a light oiling. I use mineral oil for wooden cutting boards, and things like that. A lot of lemon oil is...
  14. M

    Black Album

    I think it's a good album. The disappointment for me is looking at it in the context of their previous work. Also, it seemed to become a benchmark for metal becoming more mainstream, but I think it achieved that partially because it was relatively neutered, which kind of diluted its value as a...
  15. M

    I tried a Les Paul Classic, and I loved it. Would I be happy with an Edwards, rather?

    Edwards, Greco, Burny, Tokai, and others make great versions, and you might find one you love. But you already know you love the LP Classic.
  16. M

    Do you use your pinky?

    I use my pinky a lot. When I first started playing, I force myself to use my pinky rather than reaching out of position with my ring finger. As it got stronger, it just became natural, so it gets used all the time. I also tend to use a classical position with my fretting hand (even for...
  17. M

    Selling on Reverb
  18. M

    Selling on Reverb

    There's nothing new in terms of what we're required to report and pay taxes on. The ONLY thing that was going to change was the threshold at which intermediaries like Reverb/Paypal and others are required to generate a 1099-K. It was (and still is) $20K. It was slated to change to $600, but that...
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    Selling on Reverb

    lol, why on earth would that matter?
  20. M

    Selling on Reverb

    The income tax concerns are pretty overblown. It has more to do with what you buy/sell during a given tax year, than whether you made $400 this year on a guitar you bought a decade ago, unless you also deducted that guitar as a capital expense when you purchased it back then. Most of us who are...