Looks awesome; a lot like mine.
How are the frets? I’ve been debating re-fretting mine since it still has the originals, but I’d hate to lose the binding
Thanks a ton for these suggestions!
I am probably just going to take the amp to a local tech who has a cheap bench fee.
Is it okay if I print off your schematic and notes and give them to him?
Also, for the resonance control does the usual 1meg audio pot + 4.7nF cap do the trick?
Sorry if this is too close to some other threads, but I didn’t want to hijack and rather start a new.
I have a Mojotone 800 kit that my father-in-law built for me and I’m planning on taking it to a tech to spice it up. It already has a PPIMV, so really I am looking for some more gain and...