Search results

  1. tubortski

    Shure GLXD16

    These look good. What do you owners say? One concern is it not having a right angle. And, the manual says something about not mounting it to metal... like a Pedaltrain? Thanks!
  2. tubortski

    Jason Isbell Rig Rundown

    A good buddy turned me on to this guy. Really dig his latest records. He is actually a really good player. Kinda long RR but he does geek out, in a good way. rYULQwe4zR4
  3. tubortski

    Billy Corgan rocking his own Einstein

    I don't expect much love here but for those that care. This sig model looks pretty cool. Way cooler than the previous Fender model. Einstein is interesting. Sounds very rawish. I know the Dmoll is the new breed. Would be interesting to hear side by side. lzl60Kyoy0Q
  4. tubortski

    What's your next guitar?

    I should of kept some of my boards.... damn. Cool vid and concept. Anyhow, post away on your next guitar. Sweet pics and links welcome! DOQDZZvhYsQ
  5. tubortski

    2 amp tracking with one pass - hard rock

    Looking for tried and true amp combinations. Any and all thoughts appreciated. Budget minded especially. One amp my very well be Rectifier. If it's a slam dunk with 3 or more, pipe up folks. Thanks :rock:
  6. tubortski

    PRS Mark Holcomb

    I'm not one for fancy tops, but this satin quilt is amazing! Am I crazy, or is this the first artist model to not use PRS pups? PC1hBZeYV-0
  7. tubortski

    The future of rock guitar rigs...

    Anything is up for discussion. Keep it clean. No trolling. No bitching. No "my opinion is better than yours". Let's get down to the nitty gritty. 1, 2, 3, and go. .... a little humor would be nice, though ;)
  8. tubortski

    Recommended amp repair shops

    I thought it would be helpful to get a list of awesome shops in one thread. To qualify, your "recommended shop" is: A place where you have had work done, will have work done again, and am willing to share a little story about why the shop is reliable. No limit to location. Current repairs going...
  9. tubortski

    Soldano SLO100

    This is on my list of amps that I am not familiar with. I remembered that William rocked one with his band and Jerry's solo tour. Not only was his voice amazing but that SLO sounded sweet! What song, record, YT clip best shows the SLO's flavor? 7E9SaU1jyV4
  10. tubortski

    Recording your practice

    While reviewing some demo songs and riffs I've recorded, I wondered what it would be like to review ALL of my playing. Whether it's focused practice, noodling, riffing out, whatever.. I think this could be a useful thing to becoming a better player while accumulating a catalog of riffs. The...
  11. tubortski

    Who inspires you?

    I started a list of players that had some sort of impact on me. It's incomplete but got very long and weird at the end. Here are a couple. Greg Ginn - Black Flag James Hetfield - Metallica Stevie Ray Vaughan Jimmy Page - Led Zeppelin Kim Thayil - Soundgarden Jerry Cantrell - Alice in chains Be...