For what it’s worth, I think running amps into a loadbox ends up taking away some of the details that make a top tier amp special- kinda like YouTube compression haha. Hell, even using a mic to capture two amps will even the audio playing field a bit compared to the in the room sound.
I don’t think it even does a proper vh4- I don’t even like modern vh4s, but I shot a vh4 out against a vhx and the vh4 smoked it. The dmoll is a Herbert preamp with a weaker power amp and doesn’t sound or feel like a Herbert- the Herbert sound is high wattage, and the dmoll, and definitely vhx...
I played it at namm. I won’t share my opinions on the amp since I consider Daniel a friend and I’m biased. What I will say is that the cut knob is basically a tightness knob- you can hear the knob in action on a lot of his pedals. The feature set of the amp is obviously really unique. Sonically...
If a proper Blueface reissue happened, or an original Blueface under 10k, I’d be all over it. After about 2 seconds of playing @braintheory ’s Blueface, I knew I wanted one
The unfortunate thing for a comparison like this is that the thump in the room of rear loaded cabs isnt captured on mics so front loaded ones just sound better recorded
There are a lot of Bogners worth playing IMO
Rev1/Rev2 Ubershall are just massive and have insane note definition for how thick they sound- great for leads and chugs
Uber Ultra- A lot more controlled and tight than the early uberschalls, but a ton of range and settings options- just less...