Figure why not throw up a clip from this weekends gig. Mistakes and all.
After having just about every amp possible loving the Friedman Small Box even more than the Brown Eye I had. Great amp. Cuts through both channels rock.
Judas Priest cover band thing. Doing Stained Class. I'm the idiot...
Randy Rhoads Remembered Namm 2014
Surprised I didnt hear more about this show.
Should be lots of video's for this tons of players showed up.
Dee is awesome!
Looking for a cheap one space rack power amp that will only be used as a back up if my amp blows up.
Using Digitech GSP1101 for effects but could switch it over and use it as a preamp.
Searching the webz on the ART SL1, half the people say it has enough power the other half say it's not loud...
Music Zoo Charvel Nitro's are coming back to the Zoo. Seen a few on here have them. :rock:
Limited EVH 5150 III
50 watt still makes me smile every time a play it.
5150III 100S Head, Cabinet and Half Stack- Special Run --->>> limited quantity, estimated arrival mid sept-mid oct.
5150III 100S Head, Cabinet and Half Stack- Special Run
This limited edition hand-customized EVH
Never thought I'd want an actual fuzz box but something has me wanting one.
Dunlop has the Joe B and Eric Johhnson models. There's a ton out to pick from.
What are your favorites?