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  1. Rick Lee

    Guitar wall hangers

    Here's mine.
  2. Rick Lee

    Usually hate eminence, but…

    I have a CV-75 in a Mojotone clone of a Marshall 4010 and it sounds fantastic. I will be pairing another CV-75 with a V30 in an Avatar 2x12 I just got and I know it will sound awesome.
  3. Rick Lee

    THD Hot Plate (w/ Marshall & Soldano)

    That's what I've been doing and no problems so far, but my amp tech said it wouldn't be ideal.
  4. Rick Lee

    THD Hot Plate (w/ Marshall & Soldano)

    Wanted to revisit this one. I have the blue 16 ohm HP and like it a lot. I have a Marshall Power Brake I love, but I keep it at my practice space and ride my motorcycle to band practice, so carry nothing with me. Anyway, I jus got a killer Avatar 2x12 that's 8 ohms. Is it safe to run a big...
  5. Rick Lee

    83 Kramer Reissue.

    SW = Sweetwater I have a buddy who worked for ESP in the mid-80s and said they supplied a lot of white labeled necks to Kramer, once Kramer got too big for their production abilities.
  6. Rick Lee

    $5000.00 for a 1996 Peavey Purple Quilt Wolfgang

    I don't get why guitars that had long stopped being built before Ed's passing skyrocketed in price after his passing. EBMM and Peavey were never going to start making them again. I have two of the EBMM EVHs and they're so awesome and I got them pretty cheap. But they're no more rare now than...
  7. Rick Lee

    83 Kramer Reissue.

    I went to Sweetwater today and got to fondle one. I didn't get to play it, as I was kind of in a rush and my phone was blowing up. But this one seemed pretty heavy to me. It's been over 30 years since I laid my hands on the original one, but this one felt pretty heavy, like a Les Paul. The...
  8. Rick Lee

    Floyd Rose replacement suggestions

    Yeah, just checked it. Not a Gotoh. Still pretty nice.
  9. Rick Lee

    Floyd Rose replacement suggestions

    I replaced the Gotoh on my latest EBMM Axis with the 1984 OFR. I don't know what the Gotohs are going for, but I might sell it. It has about two weeks of play time on it.
  10. Rick Lee

    Eventide H9 MAX; Is it worth it?

    Please forgive my ignorance. I have been GAS'ing for one of these, but really only because I need some kind of harmonizer for a few songs. For example, if I wanted to play the guitar solo for Owner of a Lonely Heart, could I just dial in the interval with an H9 and would it then add it over...
  11. Rick Lee

    JCM800 with variac

    Ok, so do I need to rebias when dropping the voltage with a Variac? I don't care about shortened tube life, but I care about keeping my original trannies.
  12. Rick Lee

    JCM800 with variac

    Just checked wall voltage again for the first time in years and it was 120 now. I understand that's common in the summer months in AZ. And the dial on my Variac was off too. I re-indexed it to be accurate and will try 117VAC tomorrow when Mrs. Lee is out of the house.
  13. Rick Lee

    JCM800 with variac

    This made me throw a Variac on my stock 100w Plexi today. I dropped it down to 90v and the indicator lamp was totally dark. I grabbed an EBMM EVH, tuned down 1/2 step and started running through the old VH catalogue. Oh my, this was awesome. I kind of want to do this some more and maybe at...
  14. Rick Lee

    83 Kramer Reissue.

    That hurts to read. Very painful. I need a drink.
  15. Rick Lee

    83 Kramer Reissue.

    SW's site says the tuners are Gotoh. I'm positive my buddy's came with Schaller.
  16. Rick Lee

    Killer Outro Solos

    Beat me to it. Totally slays.
  17. Rick Lee

    Hagar covering VH rehearsal

    Honestly, I'd rather go see Jacob or Vic than Joe and I mean no disrespect to Joe.
  18. Rick Lee

    83 Kramer Reissue.

    Oh man, I want that. There was a guy who was a senior when I was a freshman in high school who had that exact same guitar, also played through a GK250ML, which was not a cheap amp in those days. I saw in our alumni magazine that he lives near me now and I reached out, but never heard back from...
  19. Rick Lee

    83 Kramer Reissue.

    My '83 Pacer. Pickup is a Jalen Pinnacle with clear bobbins, ala Mighty Mite.
  20. Rick Lee

    83 Kramer Reissue.

    As long as we're geeking out on Kramers, here's a photo I took when I got to tour the factory in 1986 during the 5150 tour.