I love the Wampler Ego. I have a love\hate with compressors tho, i'll put one on the board, love it, then the noise floor becomes an issue, i get pissed off and rip it off the board. Wash, rinse, repeat.
i don't have an ampero so I don't know if this feature is available, but on the Kemper I use a monitor out that has another eq. I run it into a Friedman ASM which IMO is a little dark and bassy so I tweak the monitor EQ. House is only impacted by the eq on the amp model
man I'm schizophrenic with music. I vacillate wildly from outlaw country to classic rock to blues to 80's metal. it can literally go 180 degrees in a matter of minutes
not that guage but have played those strings several times. no preference on them, they're right there with EB's stuff. If there was a big sale on them i'd totally get them over EB's which is kinda the default answer for me lately
good stuff, those guys are insane players. I used to be able to listen to it non-stop, now i'm good for about 3 songs then ear fatigue sets in and it starts to just become a blur