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  1. mcstinger

    Torpedo captor 8 clarifications

    You can use 8Ohm output from your head to captor 8. Then you can connect 16Ohm cab to the ATTENUATED output without worries. I believe, you can also use Through output, but then you have to use 16Ohm output from the head. For recourding you can use line out jack, or XLR with Off switch, to be...
  2. mcstinger

    OK...What Amps Do You NEVER Regret Selling?

    Bugeras - all of them. More or less emotionally, you know, Bugera... Mesa Triaxis, Mesa Recording preamp EVH LBX I - very loud and not loud enough at the same time, soundwise great EVH 5150 III 50W 6L6 - not bad, but I expected more, it was literally buried by Engl Petrozza. The guy who...
  3. mcstinger

    Mesa Boogie Rectifier Recording Preamp Owners

    Rectifier Recording Preamp. I bought it and sold it almost immediately. I was not impressed by the sound. But I'm not friends with the Mesas. IMHO, Engl E530 or Peavey Rockmaster, much better.
  4. mcstinger

    Need help with speaker wiring in series

    Graspop in Belgium? Band?
  5. mcstinger

    Need help with speaker wiring in series

    But as it looks, the Main jack can be a standard, non-switching jack with just Tip and Sleeve contacts, right? Yes, of course Also, I wonder if another loop between the T and S on the switching side of the Slave/Extension jack is necessary or even helpful, since when the Extension is not in...
  6. mcstinger

    Need help with speaker wiring in series

    @Speeddemon Of course, you can use any jack with a switching contact. My nice drawing here below :)
  7. mcstinger

    Need help with speaker wiring in series

    You can solve this easily by using switched jack. I have found this schematic and modified it for your required wiring of two 16Ohm speakers in one cab. You must use upper jack to connect the first cab to the amp. Lower jack is for connecting the slave/extension. In that case don't forget to use...
  8. mcstinger

    Any ideas where I can get an on/off toggle switch like this?

    Could be this one, but from the one pic I am not sure:
  9. mcstinger

    Which pot for volume box?

    You know, voltage dividers are willing to work equally well with AC and DC voltages ;). Your wiring just adds serial resistance to the input resistance of the next stage, so it works to some extent, with few drawbacks. However, unconnected terminal on the pot is generally a bad practice. If you...
  10. mcstinger

    Which pot for volume box?

    I don't know, what preamps you use. However, output impedance of any preamp should be quite low. So lower impedance pot should be ok. But in general, anything from 10k up should work fine. I would use audio taper.
  11. mcstinger

    Kirk Hammett: “Maybe the age of active pickups is over”

    Ok, ok, but it's really a bit confusing that amp is working harder to get higher level signal into the preamp :)
  12. mcstinger

    Kirk Hammett: “Maybe the age of active pickups is over”

    Huh? I am a bit confused now. Could you explain this paragraph in some more precise way? Technical terms are welcome.
  13. mcstinger

    Kirk Hammett: “Maybe the age of active pickups is over”

    It's common for musicians to say wacky stuff, you shouldn't be surprised :)
  14. mcstinger

    What Amps do you Regret Selling?

    Marshall 2203KK - I wasn't able to use his potential. I lived in an apartment with nervous neighbors next door. And he played badly through the loader. He wanted to play at full power through the cab. Engl Marty Friedman Inferno - brain damage got me and I sold it.
  15. mcstinger

    What speakers are you all using these days?

    Celestion EVH and Redback. Both great.
  16. mcstinger

    EVH 5150III 50w concentric pots mod

    Maybe these docs could help you
  17. mcstinger

    What's the Boss SD-1 to get?

    Euge has few comparison vids
  18. mcstinger

    Your thoughts on a Kemper

    Enough has already been written, of course opinions differ. I had both Kemper and AxeFXIII. I sold the Axe, kept the Kemper and have no regrets. But I'm mostly a home player, I have no experience with live playing both. Kemper works for me to quickly find the sound I like. I bought three tube...
  19. mcstinger

    Anyone else play a 12 string (octave) electric?

    Just out of curiosity I bough 12-string Dean Vendetta. I was surprised, that some thrash riffing sounds pretty good, ACDC style rock as well. Just finished playing 10 mins ago and now have found this thread :)
  20. mcstinger

    Which bass should I get for bedroom recording?

    I bought Yamaha TRBX305 dirt cheap and it's a great bass.