I tried the Duncan AHB-2B. I sold it right away. Annoying midrange, clucking like a flock of hens.
Regarding to EMGs, I have a 57/66 set in my Charvel SoCal, running it at 18V and I am completely happy with them.
EMG Retro Active Hot 70 I have in a bridge position of Schecter Sun Valley and...
Oh no, I'm quite calm. I don't know why you assume everyone around you is pissed off. You obviously know shit about electronics. Do what you want, I'm explaining it here for the sake of the members you're misleading with your amazing ideas. Otherwise, I have nothing against you and I am still at...
OK, I have a similar approach to lawn and insects, so I'll try again :)
Briefly, a very simplified parallel to bias. Imagine that a quiet river flows through your property. The flow is steady. It represents quiescent current, bias. You take a meter and measure the water level without any...
To clarify. It doesn't make sense to _measure_ the bias current through the power tubes if they under the signal (that is, the sound comes from the speaker). Bias current is a quiescent direct current (DC) and is measured without a signal, it sets the operating point of power tubes. If a signal...
He is a member here, so maybe he will comment. Personally, I think it's a matter of demand and you can't make such small-batch products for free if you want to keep your business.
Don't worry, I am not from that group and I am not interested at all. Even if I was interested, I wouldn't want to spend my life in an unbalanced relationship. As a member of a touring church band, you would have a constant superiority of experience and knowledge over me :D
It's just more convenient to travel/gig with modelers. Whether it's better sound wise depends on many other factors. You are 52 but you talk bullshit, including insults.
Your sentence "Rooms change sound, it's not rocket science and even racks don't manage to eliminate those problems with venue speakers are crucial factor." doesn't make sense.
You talk about bands in small venues with fixed FOH, or you talk about big touring bands with own equipment incl. FOH...
What are you talking about? What frustrations EQing an amp? Everything in racks, everything set. Stickers on knobs, etc. I'm talking about 1993, I had the opportunity to have a close look at the stage rig during their European tour.
I have Savage SE and Petrozza signature. Out of curiosity I bought 100W AE. I was surprised in a very positive way, it has something in it, what makes it a keeper.