Dimensions regarding to the product info are width x depth x height: 300x 170 x 73 (mm), it's approximately 12 x 7 x 3 inches. This info is from the product page. On a shop page is probably info about shipping dimensions. It would fit a 2U rack shelf.
I happened to discover that a new version of REACT:IR II is on the market. It is probably a fresh product. The manual on the website still refers to the first version.
What pleased me was that the headphone output is a 1/4" jack. What did not please me was that it's no longer a rack device. A...
No. These are old stories repeated over and over again. Engl improved the design over the years. It corresponds to the nowadays standard of PCB based amplifiers. I've had enough of them open to say that. In short, technicians are afraid of them for some reason unknown to me and blame them mainly...
I only used a bridge pickup some time ago. All in all, I'd say it's a nice pickup for Hard Rock or 80s metal. I actually only replaced it in the guitar because I wanted to try the EMG81 and was too lazy to swap the 77 back. And, it was quiet regarding to noise or hum.
I have to say that I have always felt much more relaxed on stage in front of 1000-3000 people than in club shows in front of typically 100-300 people. At big concerts, people had more fun and "cooperated" with us, at club concerts they watched the performance more. Since there used to be many...
The head was also not completely simple. The fabric was very stiff and not much flexible, I had enough with it. Mainly stretching, my fingers were bleeding :D. But I was happy with the result. Retolexing was probably more difficult, or better to say time consuming, especially removing old glue...
I bought an electric stapler just because of 2 cabs and I don't regret it.
It's not difficult, but it's not exactly easy either.The most important thing is to constantly stretch the fabric strongly, before each staple. And stretch in a way that no ripples form. Align the pattern to the edge...
Nothing interesting in the shops. I refuse to pay over a thousand Euros for a guitar from Indonesia with FR Special. I have nothing against Indonesian guitars, I have one with FR Special myself and it's fine. But I bought it new for 400, not 1400.
Merlin Blencowe's Designing Tube Preamps for Guitar and Bass is IMHO the best book regarding the topic. Highly recommend.
You should change monitors, make acoustic treatments, buy the best audio interface out there, some mic preamps... Then come to ask again.
Or, save your money for now. Identify and isolate the problem point. Just play some familiar track in a high quality (CD rip, download, whatever) through...