Yes, that's how it works. Just connect the battery only for a second or so, otherwise you will discharge it fast.
edit: plus of the battery to the plus of the speaker causes cone to move "out"
I don't know if it's the sound of Paul's drums or his technique when he plays with Slayer, but I always feel like he is behind the band. I also don't like his (snare) fills, they're always a mess, especially when compared to Dave's surgically precise hits.
@killertone I wouldn't buy anything based just on your review. I believe that even a fridge with a broken compressor would sound great under your hands :).
My Engl Savage SE sounds worse on 50W setting, even on low volume. The same with Marshall SC20. Laboga Mr.Hector was ok on lower setting, but still missed something.
Try to find suitable pedalboard patch cable. Some of them have small jack bodies.
I bought a Baretta Special and sold it right away. Poor HW, poor fretwork. Hardware is cheap, tremolo unusable, no discussion here. Necessary to change trem, tuners, nut. Because that guitar never stayed in tune at least 1 minute. And the fretwork was really bad. Sharp fret edges and...
OK, I don't want to argue, you seem to know the thing.
I must admit, that I was confused by the file, which says E645-1, which is indeed Powerball 1. Also there is Dsub9 connector in the functions switching section, which is easily visible on the back panel of the Powerball 1. And, on the back...
What do you mean by "when the master volume was set to the same level"? Both were set to i.e. 10 o'clock? If yes, that means nothing.
"Quality" of the iron in transformers makes a difference. Tranny made of "higher quality iron" can be roughly 30% smaller, if they are both designed for the same...
Regarding the Powerball 2. I have a bit different experience than others. IMHO, the Powerball 2 is perfectly fine in the context of the band. I actually already mentioned that in this thread.
My buddy used the 6505. I used the Powerball 2. He sounded louder and more massive than me, but he...
It's mostly silly to me. Once upon a time, a musician who achieved something in the music had a signature model. A guy who reviews gear on YT has it today. Weird, but I must admit, I am old fart already :)
Few months ago I asked very similar question. I was surprised by Fluff's signature Fishman pickup.
Reversed half stack of my favorite Engls is on the pic. I am not able to say, which one is better, they are all great. And I miss Inferno, which I sold.
As @Spaceboy mentioned, some Engls could have a problem in a band context. I was badly surprised by the Savage 120, it was buried by 6505...