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  1. mcstinger

    Loudest High Gain Amp????

    I was surprised how loud is Rivera Knucklehead Tre. My friend said that playing it makes his bowels twist :)
  2. mcstinger

    I'm James: I'm a Tube-a-holic.... recently, i've been heavily considering going digital. thoughts?

    Keep the amp :). I sold few amps, when I needed money for something else and now I miss them. And they are almost twice the price/unavailable now. Regarding to the Fractal/Kemper thing. I sold the Axe FX3 and kept the Kemper. Kemper is absolutely great for quiet/headphone playing. I am just...
  3. mcstinger

    Guitar Sound or Tone you are bored with?

    Yes. All we know that question "Could you recommend an amp, which is tight, articulate, percussive?". Then, record it, use Mesa OS IR, add sampled drums (note velocity 127), polish (remove boxiness, remove resonances, remove life, ...), don't forget to use Andy Sneap's chug trick, glue together...
  4. mcstinger

    Tube buffered phase inverter

    IF Henrik gives his answer, THEN you are going to thank everyone. Nice :D Anyway, he doesn't seem to be eager to answer technical questions/details.
  5. mcstinger

    this girl went from 0 to 600k followers in less than a year and is doing videos with tim pierce now!

    You mean signature titar? Because she is a really great titarist :)
  6. mcstinger

    Tube buffered phase inverter

    As @Aynirar27 mentioned already, when driving lot of high power tubes, you have an option to: - Insert driver tubes with higher anode current (i.e. 12AU7/ECC82, which are pretty available) after the PI (which then can be based on 12AX7/ECC83). This approach is used i.e. in a Marshall VBA400...
  7. mcstinger

    Tube buffered phase inverter

    I.e. Peavey 6505 MH uses transistors in PI.
  8. mcstinger

    Tube buffered phase inverter

    Information also leaked out, that in the next build there will be tube buffered input stage and tube buffered output tubes, all of that will be extra tube buffered.
  9. mcstinger

    Rivera k-tré 120 vs P50s ?

    Yes, Mode four slanted cab. I love that cab, but somehow I love/hate K-Tre through it. Big cab, doesn't like bass heavy amps. Maybe K100 in a 'regular' size cab would work better, still I don't like that K-Tre sizzle through K100. Kerry can swear, but 2203KK compared to the K-Tre is pretty stiff...
  10. mcstinger

    Rivera k-tré 120 vs P50s ?

    Right now I have K-Tre connected to oversized Marshall cab with K100 and I would not name this setup as a maintaining clarity and tightness rig. Lows are huge and hard to control and K100's are quite grainy/sandy/sizzling in the area of upper mids and highs overlap. Matter of taste of course...
  11. mcstinger

    Marshall. Which one do you prefer?

    Yes, I know :) Of course, I have a pretty good overview of amplifiers over the years and would be able to choose myself. But I was interested in the preferences and experiences of others. I was also interested in how the poll would turn out. Quite interesting results, maybe I expected more votes...
  12. mcstinger

    Marshall. Which one do you prefer?

    I had a KK, a brutal amplifier. I bought it for 850 Euros. I sold it because I lived in an apartment with nervous neighbors and it played poorly through the attenuator. Now the prices are more than double and I'd probably rather try something else.
  13. mcstinger

    Marshall. Which one do you prefer?

    It's not that much about the budget, despite of 2203's are "overpriced" here in Europe, compared to other Marshalls. I didn't want to put the 2203 in the poll, as I'm interested in opinions on other models.
  14. mcstinger

    Marshall. Which one do you prefer?

    I played 2205 35 years ago :D and I remember it being a hell of an amp, when cranked.
  15. mcstinger

    Bassier speaker for a 1x12 cab

    Umm, right now I have a mix of K100 and Redbacks in my Marshall MF400 cab (oversized) and to be honest, I think it has too much of low end for bass heavy amps (Rivera KH Tre, Engl Petrozza). I prefer to play that Engl thru 212 with Celestion EVH speakers, it sounds fantastic, thru MF400 it's too...
  16. mcstinger

    Marshall. Which one do you prefer?

    JVM is one of candidates. It's versatile and I like versatile amps. Despite of I usually use just one channel and one knob setting :). I probably would have bought it a long time ago, but I had the opportunity to directly compare it with my JCM800 Kerry King sig and a friend's DSL100H. Kery King...
  17. mcstinger

    Marshall. Which one do you prefer?

    No JMP :). 2210 (100W) and 2205 (50W) are Lead Series, 2 channels.
  18. mcstinger

    Marshall. Which one do you prefer?

    After a long time without a Marshall, I am considering buying one. JCM800 2203 would be an obvious choice, but at the moment the prices are on the verge of a long-term headache considering the current lack of time and playing several times a month. Besides, I already had it and would like to try...
  19. mcstinger

    What pedal can mimic best an ENGL amp?

  20. mcstinger

    Torpedo captor 8 clarifications

    @DC5150 Cab impedance is kind of hidden behind the attenuator's resistors, so using 4-16 Ohm cab on 8 Ohm Captor is completely ok. I would say, 8 Ohm loader is the best choice for attenuating miscellaneous cabs.