Search results

  1. mcstinger

    What shelving unit do you use for your amps?

    This is why I like Engls. Easy to build 'reversed halfstack' :)
  2. mcstinger

    Recommend me a multimeter

    For me, the main parameters when deciding on measuring devices: - Manual or automatic range switching. I prefer manual, in the case of automatic you have to be careful that it is not annoyingly slow. - Maximum voltage and current ranges - Measuring of additional units, such as capacity...
  3. mcstinger

    Favorite metal flake finishes???

    I still don't have a flake finish guitar. It's because I can't decide what color I like :D Some yellow and orange guitars look great, but this red G&L has stunning finish too...
  4. mcstinger

    No More Chinese Gear!!!??

    I don't buy anything from any generals since General Failure was reading my drives.
  5. mcstinger

    Peavey 5150 vs EVH Iconic

    What would all those Marshall modders be doing, if there were no non-modded Marshalls? :)
  6. mcstinger

    Evertune Bass Bridge Announced

    I have never missed such a gadget on any of my bass guitars.
  7. mcstinger

    Peavey 5150 vs EVH Iconic

    Yes, I tried that. Just with a tiny bump on eq in mids it significantly changed the sound to better one, IMHO.
  8. mcstinger

    Kirk addresses the internet trolls ( us )

    I am not his fan at all, but I completely agree with him. It's his playing, their songs... You like it, or not. World is full of smart guys, who can outplay Kirk, Kerry King, you name them... But these underrated smart guys are ignored by the world for unknown reasons.
  9. mcstinger

    Stage volume

    Times have probably changed. During my active era, we always had the rigs as loud as they needed to be. I only had a bit of vocals to the monitors, to hear myself and the snare if the drummer was further away on the big stage. No technician has ever determined the stage volume for us. I also...
  10. mcstinger

    Best sounding metal amp you’ve ever played…

    I sold Satan 50 in a weak moment and I regret it very much.
  11. mcstinger

    When Glenn Fricker says the guitar & pickups don't matter..

    I replaced the AHB-2B with an EMG81 two days ago. No change in amp settings, surprisingly big change in sound. I don't care about Glenn and his channel. But of the few his videos I've seen, the best one is about the photography :)
  12. mcstinger

    Unlimited Tone!!!

    It's a great business idea, to sell sewer pipes to guitarists.
  13. mcstinger

    How well are Engl amps made?

    Good news is, that the Fireball has no BGA chips inside. Bad news is, that it requires some preheating in the oven, before playing it. If something needs to be fixed on it, disassembly will take let say 30 minutes. It's a simple amp. 20 or so Engls that have passed through my hands over the...
  14. mcstinger

    How well are Engl amps made?

    I've seen Fireball go down with a full stack. Nothing happened to it :). What does it mean user serviceable?
  15. mcstinger

    How well are Engl amps made?

    As I wrote, they got better at using thicker PCBs and better spacers. Otherwise, I don't think at all that they use sub par components, cables, etc. "Flimsy looking" is very subjective :cheers: .
  16. mcstinger

    How well are Engl amps made?

    I really don't know where these rumors about the poor quality of Engl amps originated. I suspect that this whole fuss was made by repeating a story about a Special Edition that scared the death out of a technician. I already had a bunch of Engls open, primarily for routine maintenance. The...
  17. mcstinger

    How well are Engl amps made?

    Why should Engl release that kind of video? It's doable. But who would do that just for fun? Have to release lot of pots, jacks, distance screws, some cables... Quite a hassle. But if necessary, it's not that bad. Other amplifiers would scare me more, i.e. some Egnaters.
  18. mcstinger

    What volume do you play at home?

  19. mcstinger

    Peavey Triple XXX - Outside power tube showing plate voltage but no current...

    Make sure the amp is disconnected from mains. Turn power and standby switches on. Be sure there is no voltage left in the amp. You have a probe, it should show. Check tube socket contacts first. Tighten them a bit with small insulated screwdriver, toothpick etc. If you have a ohmmeter, check...