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    Belated NGD: Kramer Baretta Special

    Wow what a strap. Ive played a Baretta since 86 and must say its still badass. Rock On Dude!
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    Gear room mic only of Eruption

    Yep I love stuff like this on EVH.
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    NGD!! 1976 Norlin Les Paul Custom!!!

    A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Looks like a keeper to me. Enjoy it dude.
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    Charvel or Kramer?

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    old school stereo rig...

    Yep get them and have some fun. I love stereo setups and must confess I have two PV 5150 combo amps running stereo and they sound ridiculous when turned up.
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    Let's talk RR Les Pauls

    I would go with your idea and get a Edwards in white/creme and do the pickup swap with T-Tops.
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    Stop teasing us, Joe Holmes!

    Ive not been this excited in a long time for a new music release. Joe is one of the last few to play and sound like he does. Not to mention the Randy Rhoads connection which I hear in some of his playing and the delayed sounds. Also his use of old Marshalls, Les Pauls and Strats is cool to me.
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    Famous Rock Star that you regretted dying most

    Randy Rhoads I am sure had a masterpiece coming along in the next album or two. Not to say that D.O.A.M. wasn't great but he was going to do better.
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    Charvel Build Completed **Updated w/Ground Zero Videos on pg. 2**

    Man sweet guitar and some dang fine playing. Rock On Sir.
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    Smith/Kotzen... any fans?

    I always liked Adrian and Kotzen is a really good singer/guitarist. They make a good team and like what Ive heard.
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    Soldering question

    Use some Flux on it. Use a little flux on everything when you solder it helps alot. You may need to clean the residue with some Q-tips and alcohol afterwards.
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    We had to put our Rusty down yesterday

    Man thats tough but try and remember the good times with them.
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    Weirdest Gear Deal Ever: the Tale of How Severe G.A.S Led a Man to Madness

    I to am curious to see who will top that story. I did have a strange audition yrs ago. This band needs a second guitarist so I journey about an hr from were I live. It was at a junkyard and there is a house in the middle of it. Its already dark by the time I get there. Yep its a creepy old place...
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    Joe Holmes is back!

    He's got some killer strat's. I love those big headstocks, jumbo frets and a Floyd on them. Looking forward to his new release.
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    Taking on my most challenging headstock repair ever

    Hey Brentrocks-You need to watch the headstock repair video on Dweezil's SG. I forgot who fixed it but it was similar to what you are dealing with.
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    Would you vintage stock Marshall or something like a Metroplex?

    Ive got a Metro-Plex and a four holer JCM 800 50 watt Marshall that was modded by Rockstah. The Metro-Plex just sounds better and has more variety. I like them both but if I had to sell one it would be the Marshall.
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    Shawn Lane ...Once again!

    I got to see Shawn play a few times in some small clubs and he was really something. He also had some odd gear choices.
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    The best 5150 ever made?

    I have two PV 5150 combo amps in stereo and they are very inspiring and can get LOUD. The trick with these is to use a BBE sonic maximizer. Also own the original PV 5150 100 watt head and a early version of the 100 watt EVH lll head with a blue channel mod. Must say the combo amps are my favorite.
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    Installing floyd on a 59' burst?

    If your taking the strings off for the Floyd maybe paint while your at it. A Japanese rising sun would look nice on a LP. Like Demartini had on his Charvel.
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    SOLD: Metropoulos DVL-1 Mint Condition

    George does build some great amps. I own a Metro Plex and it is by far the best sounding amp I have owned. If you can swing it I highly recommend buying a Metropoulos.