Other things to consider is if you want 4 outputs so you don't have to unplug your monitors to reamp or have a hardware send. MIDI I/O is another. USB buss powered or not. Can't tell for sure but I think wall wart versions are quieter.
The IK Axe I/O has sale right now that includes all of the Amplitube expansion packs. The Max version is pretty sweet. The interface and drivers have been solid for me for a couple of years...
This will probably sound like a big pile of BS. But, I filled in on bass for these dudes a few times. The first night the guitarist brings his super nice SVT / 8x10. Best tone I ever had. That solid beefy low end and gnarly signature growl. It was a tone epiphany for sure.
The next night I...
You just need to figure out a few mix strategies for single guitar. Say like VH, guitar on the left with some verb on the right. Bass on the right with some verb on the left. Drums and vocals in the center.
If its a solo guitar thing. Put the guitar in the center and try to move some of the...
The Schumacher/old Fender stuff can sound really good. They are pretty durable too. The problem with them is limited secondary taps. Some are only 4 ohm. Either of those at 375-400V with cathode biased 6L6GC would make a cool hard rock amp.
The Edcor's are cool because there are so many...
Have you already been using 4K on your computers? It's a big change.
I really like the IPS screens better. They can be expensive for 4K. I got two LG 32" 1440p for $250-$300 ea. I think that is the sweet spot.
A common value for the resistor is 10K 2 Watt. Solder 6-8" of wire and an insulated (rubber boot) alligator clip to both sides and heat shrink the resistor. 22, 20, or 18 AWG wire is fine.
Clip it to a bare metal spot on the chassis or a ground lug and then somewhere on the power rail. Pin 1...
-Mahogany and maple on one side, Swamp ash and maple on the other. In the hands of competent players = 1 point for team tonewoods.
-It is not just the frequency response but the attack and transient shape and feel a different type of wood could contribute to the overall character of the guitar...
Our old band ran 4 cabs each at practice for a few years. Mic'd drums through the PA.
Massively painful. Kinda ruined it. The last phase of the band we were all using combos and the mix in the room was great.