I do want to buy a used Alt T and hit it with some bass boat style metal flake refinish, because why not hahaha.
That PT15IR I have is a killer amp...yeah its for sale but that's a financial thing and nothing to do with how it performs, I'll happily keep it if I can.
Still laughing about the...
I’m gonna sound like me no matter what I play through and the only tone chase is good guitar sounds. Found what works for me and I’ll stick with that.
Had an originals project that was turning into a pain in the ass to launch and got sidetracked by an opportunity to join a busy working cover...
Yamaha acoustics kick ass and are a kick ass value. Gotta remember that they have been making World Class pianos since 1900, they know a few things about acoustic instruments
This guy right here..... I'm figuring out finishing but don't have the confidence to refin a Hamer Artist I just got in big metal flake, pretty sure its going to Stike @ Rowyko. He's kind of a Legend, the East Coast Marty Bell......
I played a regular 23' Standard with the batwing pickguard a couple days ago that was about perfect, completely different neck profile, more like my Hamer Vector. They're out there, I took a chance on this one because look at it hahaha
Im only an hour or so into it but I’m completely blown away by the 3rd Power Citizen Gain CSR 40 that showed up yesterday. It 100% has ‘only amp’ potential.