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  1. NewReligion

    Hopkins Pandora Updated Circuit Single Channel

    Thank you fek Just say the word as the repeat customer will apply. I am greatful for taking tome to listen post. David
  2. NewReligion

    Hopkins Pandora Updated Circuit Single Channel

    That is a hell of a compliment. So can I assume you dig the revisions on the Pandora mod? Thank you so much much for posting.
  3. NewReligion

    Hopkins Pandora Updated Circuit Single Channel

    Thank you Racerxrated You being a Paul Gilbert fan speaks volumes on the great compliment. David
  4. NewReligion

    Hopkins Pandora Updated Circuit Single Channel

    Hello Beyond Black. Thanks for listening my friend. I do appreciate taking time to listen snd reply. David
  5. NewReligion

    Hopkins Pandora Updated Circuit Single Channel

    Great to hear from you PBGas And thank you for listening & the post. David
  6. NewReligion

    Hopkins Pandora Updated Circuit Single Channel

    Thank you glpg80: I appreciate that you took time to listen and post. David Hopkins
  7. NewReligion

    Hopkins Pandora Updated Circuit Single Channel

    Hello to all and thank you for checking in. I have made a couple changes to my Pandora circuit that really accents the growl without loosing articulation. This is built on a post 1984 JCM 800 Series 1987 Model. I am not a fan of these PCB’s so when modding to high gain on this platform much of...
  8. NewReligion

    Dave....what EL34's are reliable today? JJ's still junk?

    I have had a 25% failure rate on the Ruby’s right out of the box. I still have a load of JJEL34/E34L’s. Never cared for the EH models as I had immediate failures with those as well. It appears when averaged by all posted it is a crap shoot but D. Friedman deals in obscene quantities so his...
  9. NewReligion

    Sending my 2204 clone for some mods, looking for some suggestions

    Very kind of you. Thank you. David Hopkins
  10. NewReligion

    My story of Trace Davis and Voodoo Amps (spoiler, I'm not stoked)

    Glad you are still enjoying it. I would really love to hear just a little guitardom wankery over the phone. If you lost it I’ll give you my number again. I really enjoy hearing all of you guys playing these amps. I really would enjoy and keep it private. David
  11. NewReligion

    My story of Trace Davis and Voodoo Amps (spoiler, I'm not stoked)

    Love it. Too funny.
  12. NewReligion

    My story of Trace Davis and Voodoo Amps (spoiler, I'm not stoked)

    Plus shipping and return. As long as the amp arrives as we discussed & not needing replacement of sockets, dual caps transformers etc... yes. That is a fair price for quality work and tone that represents itself. I use IPhone recordings as I have engineered 5 CD’s from the ground up. It is...
  13. NewReligion

    My story of Trace Davis and Voodoo Amps (spoiler, I'm not stoked)

    I overhaul the entire preamp plus more on all of my mods. 9-14 hours about $625 then figure a loop later about $175 loop then plus shipping. No payment until the owner is satisfied with video demo request work. David Hopkins
  14. NewReligion

    WTB Fortin Meshuggah

    Thank you for your candid compliments. I should have clarified that Mark has a great set of ears IMO when used. I am not one to speak poorly of others for the most part though we all have our haters. I am pleased to say I have few and more importantly made many very down to earth friends over...
  15. NewReligion

    WTB Fortin Meshuggah

    Nothing more than has occurred with countless others. I’m out only a working 1987X chassis. Been 5 years this August 4th, 2021. Yes I record everything in ledgers. I wish him well as I do everyone. So much talent. David
  16. NewReligion

    WTB Fortin Meshuggah

    lol. Could, then call it NUTTIN’ SPECIAL. Only kidding of course.
  17. NewReligion

    WTB Fortin Meshuggah

    Check with Monomyth. He is pretty busy but I believe has a good idea of what is going on in that wheelhouse (I assume Super Clipper tight Jose base circuit being there is a second Gain and the characteristic narrative I have read) if that is what it is. I remain with the all tube analog high...
  18. NewReligion

    WTB Fortin Meshuggah

    Hi Dale. I do hope you find an amp that compels you to play night and day. I am certain neither Monomyth nor I would ever “prank” or hold back on a build for you or anyone else. My best to you & yours. David
  19. NewReligion

    WTB Fortin Meshuggah

    As Mark told me years ago when we were on speaking terms “no one can do (MY) mods because they don’t have (MY) ears”. Okay true, but there are literally dozens of guys that can do Marks perfected version of what most have come to know as the the “Jose” even though Jose Arredondo had about 13...
  20. NewReligion

    Shared and split cathode in Super Bass/Super Lead

    That had to be an experience. So damned loud but too great to turn down. Lucky you. Do you recall what material you rolled through on it? David...♫