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  1. K

    BE 50 questions C45

    Hi Folks. Maybe Dave or one of you good people tell me? Can you install the C45 switch on BE50 and if so is it worth it? Loved it on the BE 100. Many Thanks ?
  2. K

    BE 50 Deluxe replacement tubes

    As the proud owner of my 4th Friedman amp after PT-20 (still own), Smallbox, BE 100 (awesome but couldn't keep both!) and now a BE 50 Deluxe. I am wondering what you guys or Dave in particular, recommend as replacement tubes? Nothing wrong with the originals, I just want to have a full set as...
  3. K

    Blower Switch

    I’ve emailed and messaged Suhr with no response which I must say is unusual. I have a series/parallel switch on my Modern. Would anyone know particularly from Suhr, if this can be rewired as Blower switch? Many Thanks.
  4. K

    NAD. BE 100

    Hi folks. I have just bought a BE. Any advice or tips you can give me on getting the best out of it? Thanks in advance.??
  5. K

    Smallbox faulty☹️

    Firstly, I am in no way slating this amp,I love it and Friedman make great amps and have great customer service. However,as valve amps do, it's ill. It sounds compressed,angry and very distorted. I have changed all the tubes and biased to around 32mA per tube. Still sounds bad and noisy...
  6. K

    Smallbox. Advice please?

    I am lucky enough to have a Smallbox 3 mode. It's a great amp but I have had a suspicion when playing gigs with it, that the sound coming from it is uneven. Clear and loud at one moment then lost in the mix the next. This happened on Saturday and during the break I gave it a quick full volume...