Has anybody here played one? In the market for a channel switcher and looking at this, maybe the EVH 50w EL34, or possibly the Friedman Smallbox. Looking for Plexi and modded Plexi style gain tones but ideally a great clean channel too. Not completely essential as I could A/B with my Bella but...
So I picked up a Suhr Badger 1x12 cab with a V30 in it. I gigged my Shiva through it tonight and whilst it didn't sound as big as my OS2x12, I didn't exactly miss the 2x12. I definitely didn't miss the weight and size! The Suhr cab sounds amazing.
However, is this a terrible idea? There seems...
I have a low level hum on my Shiva. I've tried different outlets in the house and it seems to be the same/similar. Can't recall hearing it at gigs but then everywhere else is louder and it's pretty quiet here!
Happens on every channel, whether something is plugged in or not, and no matter where...
I recently picked up an EL34 Bogner Shiva which I absolutely love. I had a peek inside and noticed that the tech that went over the amp before I bought it put JJ EL34s in the amp. No issue really, I have read that they should be ok, but I also keep reading that Bogner recommends Winged Cs so I'm...
I'm about to buy a used V30 and it looks like the magnet is bigger than the one I already own. Did some googling and they seem to vary. At least I presume the circular part on the back is the magnet?
What gives? Is it just the angle? Are there different sizes? Do they sound different?
Picked up a few nice pieces lately, so thought I would share.
Got an EL34 Shiva a couple of weeks ago, also bought this Zilla Fatboy 2x12 w/ V30s to pair with it. Amazing sounding amp - been after one for a long time and finally have one. Think it's time for the JVM to go!
And a pedalboard...
I dig it!
Link for those that can't see it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEdOGtHNtuY, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTnZqXTe9R8
I hear it's a bit weird. I plan on using it 99.9% of the time. Would this be a problem?
FWIW, I'm talking about the green chassis Shiva with the two sends.
What exactly is the issue? Is it that if you run high gain, you have to run the clean volume higher and it gets crunchy?
Has anybody successfully balanced the channels without the mod or is it really the only way? Could you not rectify this by turning the rhythm/clean volume down on the front...
So I picked up an Einstein combo in a trade around 6 weeks ago and have gigged it pretty heavily since. The conclusion I've come to is that whilst I do think it sounds cool, it seems a little hollow in the midrange unless I crank the mids all the way up. Feel is very nice, it's pretty versatile...
How are you guys running these? I generally just have the channel volumes around noon but I noticed some guys saying they sound best around 2:00. Put them up there thought I was getting more lows? Maybe my imagination?
Basically I did the channel 1 mod, and use master 2 to match mega mode to the other two as I notice that mega mode is a little more compressed/quieter.
I presume it's just slight intolerances in the pots, rather than a voicing difference? I must stress, whilst I perceive slight difference, it's...
Literally loving the Musicom Lab EFX MkIII. Using it to control everything on my Einstein (channel, master, modes on ch1), plus these pedals, plus the MIDI on the Eventides.
Hey guys.
Just a quickie - wanting to do the Einstein ch1 mod. Problem is, I can't get the chassis out! I've taken out the four screws on top - is there something I'm missing!? It seems be be glued in?
Any clues?
So this is what I went with. Custom footswitch to control my Electra Dyne at the bottom, micro buffer top right that is a Klon buffer clone, then the custom interface/junction box with a switch that allows me to run my Modfactor, Volume, Spark Mini and Timefactor either in the FX loop or right...
...even if I say so myself. Just finished arranging the positions, about to secure it all down but thought I'd grab a snap. Eventides to be linked with midi too, for tap tempo etc. Just now waiting on an interface and buffer and I'm good to go.
Quick bit of detail - this can work either with my...