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    NGD: Reverend Drop Z

    I normally don't want white guitars but this one spoke to me! haha. Recorded a demo of the SP song Sicarus last night using the ML Sounds Oracle(Rockerverb) and AuroraDSP Laney Ironheart plugins.
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    NGD: Reverend Drop Z

    Took some fancy shots before it gets it's first few scratches. I think this will overtake the current #1.
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    NGD: Reverend Drop Z

    I want a silverburst humbucker Volcano so bad.
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    NGD: Reverend Drop Z

    Machina turned 25 today!
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    NGD: Reverend Drop Z

    Yep the whole album is awesome. Love the low tuning across most of it.
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    NGD: Reverend Drop Z

    26 1/4" scale. It's perfect in D Standard and Drop C.
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    Your favorite neck pickup?

    P90 clarity with a fat midrange and a smooth top end. Almost the same pickup here without the design:
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    ...any ENGL SAVAGE fans in here? 👀

    I'm loving the Softube Engl Savage suite and the Nembrini Hardball(Powerball). It's making me want an Engl head...
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    IRs Dos and Donts?

    See mine below for free. (Captured my FL Diezel V30 cab) The SE SE7 ones are insanely good. I've been using that one(Cone) specifically with the ML Oracle and Softube Engl suite lately.
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    Mic for recording cab Blend with this and be amazed.
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    Let's see your current pedalboard.

    I change it based on whatever i'm recording at the time.
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    Zuta GBG 120

    I really want to try one. It looks like an Audient 880 mic pre.
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    NAD: Engl (sort of)

    DAW audio here. Some crunch and lead tones with my Jazz Strat.
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    NAD: Engl (sort of)

    This plugin inspired a song and broke my writer’s block today. Sucker rips. Here’s the first tone I got with it blended with their JMP.
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    For Sale FS: Maxon OD-9 (Silver repaint)

    Up $80. I’ll probably hold onto it for any lower.
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    NOGD 1987 Gibson SG Special

    Dude the old 3 knob. Just like James Iha's.
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    For Sale FS: Maxon OD-9 (Silver repaint)

    Up $85 takes it today. Hit me up.
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    For Sale FS: Maxon OD-9 (Silver repaint)

    Previous owner painted it silver. Sounds awesome but i just don't need it at the moment. Prefer Paypal fam/friends to avoid fees if possible. $90 shipped to CONUS.
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    Is there ONE amp that you could get by with as your single amp?

    If i still had my VH4... Man i miss it.
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    How come nobody talks about the JVM series?

    This band makes me want a JVM205h.