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  1. Rushtallica


    I watched for a while before joining in like '04. Great times, and a lot of fun was had in their OT/political forum, too. :D And I remember the epic EVH thread and the hardtail women. :D Lots of good people, and I was glad to meet some and hope everyone is doing well now. ?
  2. Rushtallica


  3. Rushtallica

    R.I.P. Steve_k

    I hope that things have been going well with getting things together. Cheers. 8)
  4. Rushtallica

    R.I.P. Steve_k

    Man, I literally haven't posted in several years, but I'm very sorry to hear about Steve. And I'm sorry to hear what you've gone through but am glad you were able to message with him and are recovering. I wish you and also his family and friends the best.
  5. Rushtallica

    Quick Biasing Question for FastRedPonyCar's Nitro

    Hi. Just trying to help a cool poster. Here's his original post from HC: Thanks for any help.
  6. Rushtallica

    Greenbacks and Heritage G12M or G12H Info Wanted~!

    Hi. Can anyone tell me the difference between the G12M, the Heritage G12M and the Heritage G12H? How would a 212 Avatar cab work with either set paired to a Mesa DC 10 head? Thanks for any info; trying to help someone out. :)