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  1. reignman454

    PAINTERS... Step in and offer some wisdom

    Guitar was airbrushed with water based paints... What kind of clear should be shot over it? The previous clear coater left the business and I am needing some info... google is confusing me.
  2. reignman454

    How far you willing to travel for a CL or Marketplace deal ?

  3. reignman454

    How far you willing to travel for a CL or Marketplace deal ?

    12 hours round trip. (Full touring rig, refrigerator cases and all) Needed a trailer for it.
  4. reignman454

    The JCM900slx is the best Marshall 👹👹

  5. reignman454

    Gibson Victory

    Some nerd will buy it.
  6. reignman454

    Recommend some "high output" pickups that don't suck with all maple L/P

    Custom build -24.75, rosewood fretboard. -maple neck -maple body -maple cap -flamed maple verneer.... In other words... What pickups (knowing I like the JB, Distortion etc) in LP''s aren't overkill in a maple body one? Have zero experience hearing any.
  7. reignman454

    RIP My Les Paul Custom Axcess

    They getting it taken care of? Man, I'd actually like to see the pictures... Sorry for your loss.
  8. reignman454

    Time for another Wizard MCII 50 watt raffle for sick children!! Dec. 23rd drawing date. Multiple prizes!!

    Dude... LOVE that. Great choice. If possible, please shoot me a PM when the next one kicks off.. Be glad to donate something cool for the cause. When I was trying to "Make it" and just started getting momentum, I use to offer signed 8x10's and all the proceeds would go to St. Judes... I could...
  9. reignman454

    Over the mountain 82'.

    Funny thing is, When I was maybe 15-17 I saved up and got myself a vintage JMC800 and a legit script logo MXR... Tone was actually pretty dang close... Chops, yea... Randy was MAGIC considering what he had going on. If you listen to his sound check footage, in person his tone was HUGE.
  10. reignman454

    Taming the Bass in My Splawn Comp

    A good tech will know. I'm NOT a tech. It was on the pots, not anywhere on the board. I believe Scott did them to make it fuller sounding. Me personally, I like my tone to bite... Cut etc. Bot be "rounded" FWIW, I think it's a pretty common thing someone can answer as we did it to my Splawn...
  11. reignman454

    Time for another Wizard MCII 50 watt raffle for sick children!! Dec. 23rd drawing date. Multiple prizes!!

    Not trying to be rude but "Sick kids" is pretty vague.. What charity or "cause" would love to pitch in... just like to know.
  12. reignman454

    Over the mountain 82'.

    Not for nothing.... but everyone talks about what this guy did... that guy... Nobody was doing what Randy did back then composition wise. Nobody.
  13. reignman454

    Taming the Bass in My Splawn Comp

    I know a few things have been thrown around... We literally fixed some of that on my amp in one cap being clipped....Took it from "Farty" (it wasn't but man it was in comparison after clipping it)
  14. reignman454

    Cab/Speaker Advice - Hating Chinese V30s Thread

    Break them in. Honestly.
  15. reignman454

    Holoflash finish?

    There's a handful of guys who have (myself included) The clearcoat is the hardest part typically. If you want something professional I can recommend a few guys. Watcha painting?
  16. reignman454

    People are fucking pissed...

    Don't scrape open wounds.... poor Kramer...
  17. reignman454

    People are fucking pissed...

    Guess we will have to agree to disagree. Not sure what your experience is but Fender has a holier than thou relationship with artists. In my experience, even Gibson was better and that's saying something. ESP on the other hand does take chances on smaller artists historically (especially after...
  18. reignman454

    People are fucking pissed...

    So you have the same job? Same one at first? I mean, they gave you an opportunity. Having been "in the industry" and the way others work, people love opportunities to better their position. The BEST way to negotiate more money, better deals etc is leave a position and find another. Sad, but...
  19. reignman454

    People are fucking pissed...

    People like money. Not that hard.
  20. reignman454

    Elan Memran Metalhead modded 1983 JCM800 2204

    Same one that was on reverb a few months back?